Chris hansen

Revolutions and unification

  • Storming of the bastille

    This is the start of the french revolution which abolished the french monarchy and inspired other countries to rebel against their monarchies
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    Toussaint L'Ouverture leads slave revolt

    Toussaint L'Ouverture Leads the Haitians in beating France to gain independence and to become their own country. They did this by disease and infecting the french soldiers with illnesses.
  • Napoleon becomes emperor of france

    Napoleon takes power in France and starts to conquer europe
  • Haiti gains independence

    Haiti gains independence from France and is declared their own country
  • Colombia gains independence

    On July 20, 1810, Colombian patriots stirred the population of Bogotá into street protests against Spanish rule. The Viceroy, under pressure, was forced to agree to allow for a limited independence which later became permanent. In that same year Bolívar invaded Colombia and decisively defeated the Spanish forces on August 7 at Boyacá.
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo inspires revolution in Mexico

    On September/16/1810, Miguel Hidalgo a Catholic priest, launched the Mexican War of Independence with the issuing of his Grito de Dolores, or “Cry of Delores.”
  • Chile gets liberated

    O'Higgins joined forces with José de San Martín, whose army freed Chile with a daring assault over the Andes in 1817, defeating the Spaniards at the Battle of Chacabuco and liberating Chile.
  • Venezuela gains independance

    Bolivar fought to liberate Venezuela and the Congress declared Venezuela's independence on 5 July 1811, establishing the Republic of Venezuela.
  • Argentina gets liberated

    Jose san martin a creol officer who trained in European armies, too control of Argentina from Spanish control
  • Peru gains independence

    An uprising from the Peruvians under the leadership of Simon Bolivar got Peru their independence.
  • Mexico gains independence

    Mexico gains independence from Spain, led by Miguel Hidalgo
  • Ecuador gains independence

    After freeing Venezuela from Spanish rule in June 1821, Bolívar decided to expand his liberation efforts throughout South America. In May 1822, with the assistance of Gen. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Simón Bolívar was able to free Ecuador from Spain's grasp.
  • Bolivia gains independence

    Simon Bolivar fought over a 15 year period to liberate Bolivia from Spanish control and eventually prevailed in 1825.
  • Mazzini founds "young Italy"

    Mazzini creates a secret society called young Italy to try and unite Italy as a country
  • Zollverein

    Bismarck makes free trade throughout all the german states and calls it the Zollverein
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    Italian role in the crimean war

    Italy teamed up with France and Britain to take on Russia, they get the job done but Italy doesn't help very much. More of a statement and a voice for Italy.
  • Redshirts capture sicily

    Garibaldis Redshirts took over Sicily and had it annexed to Sardinia.
  • Victor Emmanuel 2 was crowned king of unified Italy

    When Italy was unified everyone gave up their power and united under Victor Emmanuel 2
  • Camillo Cavour becomes prime mnister

    Camillo Cavour becomes the prime minister of Sardinia, He was appointed by Victor Emmanuel the 2nd
  • Bismarck becomes prime minister

    Wilhelm appointed Bismarck prime minister-president and foreign minister of Prussia.
  • Blood and iron speech

    Otto von Bismarck said his blood and iron speech about the unification of the german states and how they needed to use force
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    War with denmark

    Prussia and Austria battled with Denmark for control of Schleswig and Holstein. Prussia and Austria were victorious and took control of Schleswig and Holstein.
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    Austro-Prussian war

    Austria and Prussia fought for the minor germanic states. Prussia was victorious after 7 weeks and took control of the germanic states and strengthened their empire.
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    Franco-Prussian war

    Bismarck made the 'ems dispatch" to enrage France and it did just that and France started war with Prussia. Prussia beat France and after the war Germany becomes independent.
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    2nd reich

    The 2nd reich was the german empire. it was the successor to the first reich which was the holy roman empire