Revolutions S. XVII and S.XVIII

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    Was a movement that improve the comerce and the machines in the use of production.
    This mostly happen in England where the commerce and the industry transform into urban.
    This revolution caused another two revolution in the next years.
    During this years the mortality get extremely high because the pollution cause a lot of deaths in the babies and in the old people.
    Also it cause more percent of the number of births.
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    Napoleon Bonaparte

    In 1804 Napoleon was coronated emperor. Napoleon decided to invade Portugal because they didn´t want to follow the orders of the England commerce.
    While he was going to invade Portugal he decided to invade Spain and the war of independence started.
    He was derroted in the Battle of Leipzig and that year also by Spain.
    In 1814 he abandonate France and went to the island of Elba where he died in 1821.
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    The american revolution

    The United Kingdom was divided into 13 colonies in the east coast of North America.
    In 1775 the war between United Kingdom and the United States starts.
    The american colonies were supported by France and Spain that were lead by George Washington.
    Britain recognises the United States of America as an independent nation in the Treaty of Versalles(1783)
    The first constitution in the world was the United States of America constitution that established the separations of powers.
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    French Revolution

    The old regime was destroyed by the French Revolution.
    One of the causes of the french Revolution was the social descontent because the burgueoisie aspire to the political power.
    In 1789 the war starts in Paris.
    In 1791 in the new constitution they imposed the division of powers.
    In 1792 the palace of the monarch was invaded and he was expelled by the assembly.
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    Rev. of 1820

    In the revolution of 1820 the Colonel Riego forced the king to accept the constitution of 1812 and this marked the the beggining of a liberal movement in Spain. The Holy Alliance invaded Spain and restored the absolutism.
    Greeks revolted against the Ottoman Empire in 1821 and gain the independence in the 1829.
    This revolution spread to the Spanish America
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    Rev. of 1830

    In 1830 the monarch of France Charles X was repleaced by Philippe of Orleans.
    In 1831 the kingdom of Belgium was created due to the kingdom of Netherlands.
    Poland fight against the Russian Empire in 1831.
    Revolts affected some Italian states such as Parma and Modena.
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    Rev. of 1848

    They turned another time to the universal suffrage where only the men can vote.
    The monarquy of Philippe of Orleans was defeated and the second republic was established.
    They turned into the constitution of 1848 ann Napoleon was elected in the elections.
    His empire was authoritarian and he do an blow of state.
    The revolutions extend to the east and north of Europe that next they will fail.
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    Italy Unification

    Was a political and social movement where all the states in Italy unify in one.
    The north of Italy was of France and Austria, so the italian monarch decided to declare a war to Austria to expelled the Austrian empire and only France could control the north.
    They were expelled but the treat didn´t fullfield and the french only have the territories in the north.
    The italian army will control all the peninsula after the First World War in 1919.
  • Period: to

    Germany Unification

    Before the Germany unification, Germany was divided into 39 states.
    Those states will unifie and they were called the Germany Confederation.
    This reign agruped vilalges of the german origin and also Austria.
    This reign was created because the Napoleonic Empire was invading all Europe and the Germans decided to unify to fight against them.