
  • Haitian revolution start

    Haitian revolution start
    Haitians began to become enslaved by the french and began to revolt they needed a leader and got one his name was Toussant L'Ouverture Upon time the haitians did not want to continue their revolution and began to give up but one thing gave them hope even after that it was their religion Voodoo
  • Period: to


  • The end of the revolution

    The end of the revolution
    The haitians faught and long hard battle using any form of strategy they thaught of and in the end they won the french empire gave all of the slaves that belonged to the french empire freedom
  • Mexico Declares independence

    Mexico Declares independence
    Miguel Hidalgo rang the bells to the church and as the villagers arrived he issued a rebellion against the spanish
  • Chile Freed

    Chile Freed
    San Martin Led his army through the Andes where he met O'Higgins and together they were finally able to free Chile
  • Venezuela Declares independence

    Venezuela Declares independence
    Venezuela declares independence
  • Argentina Declares independence

    Argentina Declares independence
    Argentina Declares their Independence
  • Venezuela Wins

    Venezuela Wins
    Venezuela wins their independence
  • Mexico wins

    Mexico wins
    Agustin de Iturbin proclaimed their independence