
Revolutions/Unifications Timeline by Amy

  • Romanticism

    The revival of Romanticism was a movement in art, ideas and literature. The movement reflected ideas of both nature and romance. Romanticism focused on emotions during writing or art. Poetry, music and paining was the most influential way to spread the ideas that Romanticism tried to spread, such as emotion. romanticism took over many parts of Europe such as Germany and Great Britain. Many were poets or romantic writers. Emotion dominated how music was composed. An example would be Beethoven.
  • Haitan revolution

    Haitan revolution
    Haiti is an island that occupied the western third of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea. The island was home to over 500,000 enslaved Africans who worked in plantations. During August of 1791, 100,000 slaves rose to revolt against their masters. From the revolution rose a leader named Toussaint L'Ouverture, which was formerly slaved. Toussaint had soon taken over the whole island and freed all of the slaves. In January 1802, the French tried to remove Toussaint from power, which they succeeded.
  • Latin American wars of independence (North, Simon Bolivar)

    Latin American wars of independence (North, Simon Bolivar)
    Simon Bolivar was a wealthy Venezuelan creole that was a general. His native country Venezuela had declared independence in 1811 but struggled during the revolution. He had many defeats during his war, resulting in Simon having to go to exile twice. One victory was when he took 2,000 soldiers and marched towards what is now Columbia. he won a decisive victory in the battle there. In 1821, Simon Bolivar had won Venezuela's independence. He marched south to Ecuador where he met Jose de San Martin.
  • Mexican war of independence

    Mexican war of independence
    The search for independence in Mexico started when a priest named Miguel Hidalgo took the first step towards independence. He started by ringing the bells of the church and gathering the peasants of his village. He issued a rebellion against the Spanish. The next day, Indian and Mestizo followers began to march towards Mexico city where 80,000 men gathered his army was defeated and from it came a new leader named Jose Maria Morelos. Events took place in Mexico leading to independence in 1821.
  • Brazilian Independence

    Brazilian Independence
    The fight for Brazil's independence began when Napoleon's armies invaded Spain and Portugal for trading with the British. King John, to escape capture boarded a ship to the largest Portuguese colony, Brazil. After Napoleon was defeated, King John went back to Portugal, leaving behind a man named Dom Pedro, which was King John's son. 8,000 creoles signed a petition to Dom Pedro to declare independence for Brazil. On September 7, 1822 Brazil claimed independence in a bloodless revolution.
  • Latin American wars of independence (South, San Martin)

    Latin American wars of independence (South, San Martin)
    Jose de San Martin was an Argentinian who spent much of his youth as a military officer. Argentina declared independence from Spain in 1816 but had to go through Chile and Peru. He led an army to Chile where he joined forces with the son of a former viceroy of Peru named Bernardo O'Higgins. With his help he was able to free Chile. In 1821, both planned to drive out the Spanish from Peru. They came to an agreement that resulted in the last battle. The Latin American colonies gained independence.
  • Greek revolution

    Greek revolution
    Many powerful governments opposed the revolution and the independence for Greece. Many countries supported the cause of the revolution because they felt a connection to their religion. For example, Russians felt connected to Greek Orthodox. The popularity of Greece led to countries supported it in its independence. Greece allied with Britain and Russia to defeat the Ottoman empire and claim independence from it. In 1830 Britain, France, and Russia signed a treaty declaring Greece' independence.
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    Italy was the only nationalist country that succeeded in building an empire. A prime minister named Camillo di Cavour worked to expand the power in his country. He teamed up with Emperor Napoleon III and fought Austria. As Cavour united Northern Italy, he helped a small army of Italian nationalists led by Giuseppe Garibaldi, that wore a red shirt. Together they conquered the land. The Austrian province of Venetia was claimed by Italy in 1866. Soon, they would take over most of modern day Italy.
  • German Unification

    German Unification
    During the German unification,Prussia led the way to their independence. Prussia, because of its large German population formed a German country in which they fought the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Otto Von Bismarck (prime minister) led the way with his style of politics: realpolitik. Prussia began to expand the German country by fighting in many wars.They fought the seven weeks’ war and gained control of Northern Germany and the Venetia. The Franco-Prussian war was their last step to independence.