First English Colony
The Virginia Company of London founds the first English colony in North America:Jamestown, Virginia.
importance- it's the start of the english to gather and begin to colonize the 13 colonies -
Period: to
American revolution
English Civil War
1640 a english civil war between supporters of the king and supporters of the parliament. importance- the war took 9 years, 1 week and 5 days. it then lead to the execution of King Charles I -
King Charles I
King Charles I is decapitated while England is ruled by Oliver Cromwell fot the next ten years. it shows how the strength rised by the colonies. -
British Navigation Act
British Navigation Act of 1673 sets up a customs office to collect duties on goods that pass between plantations. its more like a theory of colonizations and trade. it would show the importance of how trading would start and act out differently back then. -
The Population Uprise
There are 6000 slaves in Virginia. overall there are 250,000 English colonists in America. As time prgresses this data showed a huge impact and expansion to the new world to their extent. -
Unfair Acts and Climax
The Stamp Act Requires Englands american colonists to pay for tax stamps for printed materials. while a group called "Sons of Liberty" forms to fight taxation without representation.The Quartering Act requires colonial communities to provide food and shelter for british troops.
The declaratory Act tells the colonists that the king and the parliments have the right to tax the colonies.
The "Stamp Act Congress": a meeting of 9 colonies to solve the taxation problems. a major result of a uproar. -
Repeal of Stamp Act
While many colonist protesters were enraged by the acts the British Parliment reversed the act. -
First Spanish Mission
Padre Junipero Serra found the first spanish mission in california (san diego) the begginning of spanish colonization of the area. had a huge effect as time passes along. the new world is explored farther while it also created a new colonization in the area as a huge result of the revolution. -
Boston Massacre
As time progresses forward that two million people are living in England's American colonies which also started a massacre by british soldiers that killed five americans. this is important because of how advanced it became that 2 million people would join and a huge mistake as 5 americans were killed in a street fight which made americans struggle yet they find a way to fight the fear. -
Boston Tea Party
A huge effect and also the most popular moments in american history. The Boston Tea Party is where the protest against taxation upheld which showed a huge symbol of revolution.