Hatian Revolution
Was a successful anti slavery insurrection that took place in a former French colony of Saint Domingue that was their colony from 1791 to 1804 that also had a great affect on salvery in the United States of America and was the largest rebellion successful attack in the Western Hemisphere. This rebellion made two great changes as it was the end of slavery in the area as well as the taking over of the former French colony of Saint Domingue that was interestingly enough inspired by the French Rev. -
Romanticism was the characterization/ face of the works of arts such as literature, painting, music and architecture in the Western Civilization. This can also be shown as the period of reaction against the Enlightenment as well as the rationalism of the 18th century given this the Romanticism can be summed up to be a period of rebellion against occurring events in a peaceful manner through things like paintings, music, literature, and architecture. -
Latin American Wars of Independence (North)
The Latin American war of independence of the north came through the independence of Colombia as well as Venezuela from the Spanish where a man by the name Simon Bolivar took a stand and much like other acts of independence went up against the greater power in the Spanish and sooner than later won the independence of Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia as well as some other countries within the area creating a big virtue of the people within these countries towards Simon Bolivar in future years to come -
Mexican War of Independence
On September 16 of 1810 a priest named Miguel Hidalgo became the father of Mexican independence. He did this by launching a decade long struggle ending 300 years of the colonial rule upducting the place of Mexico. Mexico fell into the hands of the Spainyards in the 1500s as the spainyards toppled out the aztec empire leading to rulings of the spanish. After years of this punishment Hidalgo grew in his militia from villages all over and captured cities all over Mexico throughout leading to end. -
Greek Revolution
Greek Revolution was a revolution in occurrence through the rebellion of Greeks within the Ottoman Empire.Rebellion all started in the works of the activities of the Philiki Etraireia which was a secret society established in Odessa. Western revolutionary ideas drove through the minds of the Greeks until start of revolt when the leader of the rebellion Alexander Ypsilantis took a small force of troops to cross the river and take land from Turks leading to more attacks on Turks until independence -
Latin American Independence (South)
The Latin American independence of the South came in help of Jose de San Martin where -
Brazilian Independence
The Brazilian Independence from the Portuguese all began through the works of Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier when he began revolts against the Portuguese although unsuccessful and executed he influenced future actions of revolts. Although the Napoleonic wars impacted Brazil greatly the sending of Dom Pedro to rule Brazil led through great political situations causing a parliament of Cortes to restore Brazil was in favor leading to the acknowledgement of Brazilian independence by Portuguese. -
Italian Unifications
The Italian unification is better known as the risorgimento that was a sequence of political and military events that led to the unifying of kingdoms in Italy as this European country had been separated into pieces due to Napoleonic wars against the Austrians as well as various wars to come like the ones against Russia. This unification led to start ups of events such as the creation of the Italian National Society as well as the centralization of the Italian government. -
German Unification
German unification was a unification led by a junker named Otto von Bismarck who pushed the unification through blood and iron as well as the skillful understanding of politics. Bismarck slowly went through the unification by slowly invading countries like Austria and standing by Prussia. Bismarck forced a war between Prussia and France by saying French ruler insulted Prussian king leading to a war lost by the French which then made the Prussian king declare German Empire/ Second Reich in 1871.