Romanticism unlike the other "ismis" isn't directly political. It is more intellectual. The movement had been around since the late 18th century, primarily in literature and arts. Romanticism was especially prevalent in Germany, Spearheaded by artists like Geothe and thinkers such as Hegel. In the reaction to the cult of rationality that was the Enlightenment Romantics searched deeper often subconscious appeals This led the romantics to view things with a different spin than the en. think -
Latin American wars of independence (North, simon Bolivar)
Simon Bolivar was a revolutionary who freed six countries, an intellectual who argued the problems of national liberation and a general who fought a war of unremitting violence. He returned with a new army, while the war had entered a tremendously violent phase. Bolivar's forces invaded Venezuela from New Granada in 1813. Spanish forces in Venezuela lost a series of battles to bolivar's forces then defeated Bolivar at La Puerta on June 15. In 1819 Bolivar successful invaded New Granada -
Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution has been described as the largest and most successful slave rebellion. Slaves initiated the rebellion in 1791. By 1803 they had already ended slavery and french control. These revolutions were influenced by the french revolution of 1789 which represented a new concept of human rights and participation in government. Led by former slave Toussaint I'overture the enslaved would act first, rebelling against the planters on august 21,179. -
Mexican war of independence
On September 16, 1810 a catholic priest Miguel Hilgado led a call for revolution from the town of Dolores officially starting the Mexican Revolution. Thousands of Indians and mestizos flocked to Hilgado's banner of the virgin of Guadalupe and soon the peasant army was on the march to mexico city. In the early 19th century, Napolean's occupation of Spain led to the outbreak of revolts all across Spanish America. -
Latin American Wars of indepence ( south, San Martin)
Jose de San Martin defeated the Spanish in Chile in 1817. This was the first true victory against the Spanish by the Latin Americans. This victory set off a tide of victories for the cause of Latin American Independence. The true fury of the uprising was not felt until Simon Bolivar began to conquer most of south America. -
Greek Revolution
The Greek War of independence was a war waged by the Greeks against their oppressive Turkish rulers of the Ottoman Empire from 1821-1832. The Greeks had tried many times before to revolt but this was when they were successful. The Greeks obtained independence after a long fight with assistance from Russia, the United Kingdom, and France. Greece was in turmoil after the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. The decline in their power had led to the neglect of the outlying provinces. -
Brazilian independence
September 7,1822 Prince Dom Pedro declared Brazil's independence from Portugal. The independence of Brazil comprised a series of political and military events that occurred in 1821-1824 which involved disputes between Brazil and Portugal regarding the call for independence. In 1820 the Constitutionalist Revolution erupted in Portugal. The movement initiated by the liberal constitutionalists resulted in the meeting of the Cortes. The Cortes at the same time demanded the return of king Dom -
italian unification
The movement to unite Italy into one cultural and political entity was known as the Risorgimento. In 1858, he formed an alliance with France, one that included a pledge of military support of necessary. Guiseppe Mazzini and his leading pupil, Guiseppe Garibaldi, failed in their attempt to create an Italy united by democracy. Garibaldi supported by his legion of red shirts mostly young Italian democrats who used 1848 revolutions as a opportunity for democratic uprising failed. -
German unification
Camillo Di Cavour directed Italian Unification pushed German unification through " Blood and iron" and skillful understanding of realpolitik. Prussia controlled the German lands around the Rhine River in the west. Bismarck reorganized the Prussian army and improved training in preparation for war. In 1870, Bismark forged a note from the French ambassador, implying that the ambassador had insulted the Prussian king. France declared war on Prussia. In 1871 Prussia declared the German Em.