revolution timeline

  • Start of the Haitian revolution

    Start of the Haitian revolution
    on August 1791 the Haitian revolution started. This revolution was led by toussaint a free slave who freed all he enslaved islands. The haitians were hearing news and becoming aware of the enlightenment ideas. This gave them the idea to fight back for their freedom.
  • End of Haitian revolution

    End of Haitian revolution
    on january 1,1804 the haitian revolution ended. this revolution was successful. The slaves in haiti outnumbered the white owners and Haitians fought back during the french revolution giving them an advantage. Saint Domingue was known as the first latin American territory to free itself from the Europeans.
  • Start of the Brazilian revolution

    Start of the Brazilian revolution
    The Brazilian revolution started on 1807 led by Dom pedro. Napoleon’s army invaded Spain and portugal. Portugal ran their empire from brazil.
  • Start of the South American revolution

    Start of the South American revolution
    The American revolution started in 1810 led by indians and mestizos with the leaders Simon bolivar and jose de san Martin. Creoles were ruled by the spanish. The creoles had lots of privileges but they weren’t allowed to have a say in the government. The creoles wanted independence because they wanted to have control over their land.
  • Start of Mexican revolution

    Start of Mexican revolution
    The Mexican revolution started september 16,1810 lead by the priest Hidalgo.The priest Miguel Hidalgo gathered peasants in the church and issued a rebellion against the spanish. Hidalgo gathered an army of 80,000 Indian and Mestizo men. But after being defeated the rebels found another strong leader, but were defeated again.
  • End of the Mexican revolution

    End of the Mexican revolution
    The Mexican revolution ended in 1821. This revolution was successful after they were joined by the creoles. Creoles did not wants to lose privileges so they helped the mexicans defeat the spanish. With the creoles they were able to gain independence from spain in 1821.
  • End of the Brazilian revolution

    End of the Brazilian revolution
    The revolution was successful. The croles demanded brazil’s independence from Portugal.
  • End of the South American revolution

    End of the South American revolution
    The south American revolution ended on December 9,1824. Simon bolivar was able to defeat the spanish army in bogota. Bolivar had won independence of Venezuela and Ecuador. San martin also freed chile. Together bolivar and Martin defeated the spanish colonies.