
Revolution/Republic Timeline

By LaneDW
  • Texas Interim Government

  • Santa Anna signed the "Treaty of Velasco" giving Texas it's independence and ending the war.

  • Elections for Texas permanent offices Sam Houston winning presidency

  • Period: to

    Sam Houston presidency

  • United States recognizes the nation of Texas

  • City of Houston is founded and made the capital

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    Mirabeau B. Lamar administration

  • Lamar dispatched a military expedition to march to Santa Fe and claim the Mexico land for Texas

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    2nd Sam Houston Term

  • Mexico captures San Antonio again, but Texas force take it back

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    Between these year Houston signed many treaties with the Indians ending the Texas Republic and Indian war

  • The Texas and US governments signed a treaty of annexation that was rejected by the US senate.

  • Period: to

    Anson Jones presidency

  • In March, John Tyler's administration secured the annexation of Texas through a Joint Resolution of Congress

  • New Texas constitution accepted by Congress