Revolution & Independence in Latin America

  • Early Revolts

    Indian Leader Tupac Amaru II led a revolt against Spanish rule in Peru.
  • Independence for Haiti

    Hopes for freedom were disappointed thousands of slaves revolted
  • French War

    fight took a terrible toll
  • Revolution & Independence in Latin America

    Father Hidalogo raised a battle cry for Independence from Spain - "gritos de Dolores" - that would echo though Mexico for 100 years.
  • The Revolutionary Spirit Spread

    Bolivar led an army on a darling march from Venezuela, over the ice capped Andes, into Columbia.
  • Independence for Mexico

    Agustin de Iturbide declared Mexico an independent state
  • Brazil Gains Independence

    Pedro who had lived in Brazil since he was ten was proclaimed Emperor Pedro I.
  • The Monroe Doctrine and the British Navy

    Monroe announced United States policy toward Latin America
  • The Spanish - American War

    the United States Recognized Cuban independence, and Spain declared war.
  • The Panama Canal

    The United States began to work on the Panama Canal