
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    1765 Stamp Act, No taxation without representation.
  • Intolerable Act

    Intolerable Act
    1774 Intolerable Act was passed by the British parliament with the intent to suppress the unrest in Boston.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    1776 the Declaration of Independence was published which announced life, liberty, freedom and rights.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    1781 The Battle of Yorktown American and French armies trapped General Cornwallis’s army which resulted in that British surrender of Yorktown
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    1783 The Treaty of Paris the American Revolution ended and America acquired territory much larger than the colonies
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    1787 The Constitution of the United States was established guaranteeing the rights and freedom of United States citizens
  • Abolishment of the Articles of Confederation

    Abolishment of the Articles of Confederation
    1789 the 13 states overturned the Articles of Confederation established by the British in 1777
  • Death of George Washington

    Death of George Washington
    1799 The first president George Washington dies after his doctor drew to much blood during an operation