Storming of The Bastille
This event started the French Revolution and was the beginning of modern government. -
Period: to
Toussaint L'Ouverture Leads a Slave Revolt
Toussaint L'Ouverture leads history's first successful slave revolt. He fought to end slavery and gain Haiti’s independence from Spain and France -
Haiti Gains Their Independence
After several years of war and a successful slave revolt, Haiti finally gets their independence from all countries. -
Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France
After "liberating" all of France Napoleon crowned himself emperor of all of France. -
Ecuador Gains Their Independence
Simon Bolivar liberates Ecuador from Spanish rule. -
Colombia Gains Independence
Colombia is liberated of Spanish rule by Simon Bolivar -
Father Miguel Hidalgo Inspires revolutions in Mexico
Father Miguel Hidalgo rang the church bell to announce that Mexico will revolt against the Spanish -
Simon Bolivar Liberates Venezuela
Simon Bolivar liberates Venezuela from Spainish control. -
Chile Is Liberated
Jose de San Martin liberates Chile. -
Argentina Is Liberated
Jose de San Martin liberates Argentina -
Peru Gets Their Independence
Simon Bolivar liberates Peru from Spanish rule. -
Mexico Gains their Independence
After Mexico fought a war with Spanish for their independence, Spain gives up and lets Mexico have their independence. -
Bolivia Is Liberated
Simon Bolivar liberates Bolivia from Spanish rule. -
Guiseppe Mazzani Creates "Young Italy"
Young Italy is a movement ot make Italy one gif united republic. -
Period: to
The Zollverein is a German Customs Union where there was a free trade area in all of Germany. This ensured that for Germany to be united, there will be no internal trade barriers. -
Camillo Cavour Become Prime Minister
Cavour was the brains of unifying Italy. -
Period: to
Italy's Role in the Crimean War
Italy's involvement in the Crimean War allowed them to get the support of France. They did this so they could war with other nations to get their independence with the back up of France. -
Garibaldi and His "Red Shorts" Capture Sicily
Garibaldi had a conquest to capture Sicily so he coulf unite Sicily to the rest of Italy. -
Victor Emmanuel the 2nd is Crowned King of Unified Italy.
Victor Emmanuel is crowned king of unified italy. -
Bismarck Become Prime Minister
Otto Von Bismarck when appointed to prime minister, he tried to unite all of Germany and succeeded. -
The Blood & Iron Speech
Prime Minister Otto Von Bismarck gave his speech at the Prussian Parliament meeting. -
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Prussia Wars with Denmark
Prussia wages war with Denmark for the German-speaking states, Schleswig and Holstein. Prussia allied with Austria and won over the two states. -
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Austro-Prussian War
Austria and Prussia wage war to see who is the more powerful nation. Prussia won this battle showing that Prussia is the more powerful nation. -
Period: to
The Franco-Prussian War
Prussia's prime minister teases and makes it look like the king of Prussia insulted Napoleon the 3rd so they can win the war. Prussia wins the war and kept France weak while they made their one united Germany. -
Period: to
The Second Reich
The Second Reich was the movement of Otto Von Bismarck and his plan the unite all of Germany.