Revolution and Unification

By humdyj
  • French revolution

    It influenced the removal of the monarchy in France and helped influence other colonies around the world to revolt.
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    Toussaint L'Ouverture Leads Slave Revolt

    Lead by Toussaint L'Overture leads slaves to rebel against France. It was the first successful slave revolt. Their victory was helped by the fact that they had diseases that Europeans are not used to.
  • Haiti Gains Independence

    They gained independence with the help of disease. They didn't have weapons but they had many people.
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France

    He made France a leading power in Europe by taking over much of Europe.
  • Simon Bolivar Liberates Ecuador

    Influenced by the American revolution, they gained independence by combining forces with Simon Bolivar.
  • Simon Bolivar Liberates Colombia

    The Viceroy was forced to grant independence for Colombia. They were unhappy with the way they were treated so they fought for freedom after realizing that Spain was weak from their fight against France.
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    Father Miguel Hidalgo inspired revolution in Mexico

    He issued the Grito de Dolores which is the revolutionary tract. He lead thousands of Indians and mestizos to Mexico City where they fought for independence. They lost the battle, but won over Mexico by negotiating with Vicente Guerrero.
  • Jose de San Martin Liberates Chile

    They broke free from Spanish rule declaring independence.
  • Simon Bolivar Liberates Venezuela

    They won independence by winning the Venezuelan War of Independence lead Simon Bolivar.
  • Jose de San Martin Liberates Argentina

    San Martin leads Argentina to independence from Spain after winning war.
  • Simon Bolivar Liberates Peru

    San Martin frees Peru, but steps down to Bolivar's army because he knew that their army needed to work together to beat Spain.
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    The Treaty of Córdoba by O'Donojú granting Mexico's independence from Spain.
  • Simon Bolivar Liberates Bolivia

    After Simon Bolivar beat the royalists Bolivia was free after the battle of Tumusla ended.
  • Guisseppi Mazzini Creates Young Italy

    It was a secret organization that worked to unite Italy into 1 country.
  • Zollverein

    It made it so that trading could be freely throughout much of Germany.
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    Italian Role in Crimean War

    Italy helped France and Britain team up on Russia. Italy fought in the war because they wanted to be a part of the peace conference.
  • Garibaldi's Red Shirts Captures Sicily

    He lead a militia of only 1000 men and captured Sicily.
  • Cavour Becomes Prime Minister

    He gained many northern states to Sardinia and gained the Papal States. He died before he got to see a united Italy.
  • Bismarck becomes Prime Minister

    As Prime Minister he was determined to united the German states.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Otto Von Bismarck gave this speech about the unification of Germany when he became Prime Minister.
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    War With Denmarck

    Prussia and Austria fought Denmark for Schleswig and Holstein. Austria and Prussia won the war.
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    Austro-Prussian War

    Prussia beat Austria in the War. Prussia didn't take over and of Austria because they wanted to be able to create an alliance with Austria.
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    Bismarck tricked France into starting a war by editing the Em's Dispatch. Prussia won the the war and the southern German states joined them as a result.
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    2nd Reich

    Otto Von Bismarck and the king of Prussia united German states to become a united nation. The nation became very powerful, and even a great power in the world.
  • Victor Emmanuel II Becomes King of Italy

    He acquired Venetia through war with Prussia and he got Rome after the withdrawal of the French garrison.