Molasses Act
The molasses act was passed in 1733 in an attempt to stop the smuggling of sugar and molasses. The colonists ignored the act completely so Britain placed the Sugar Act that the colonists couldn't ignore. -
Sugar Act
The sugar act of 1764 was passed after the colonists ignored the molasses act. The colonists were outraged but couldn't do anything about it. -
Stamp Act
The stamp act of 1765 required the colonies to pay tax on most printed materials. The colonists boycotted this act. -
Revenue Act of 1766
The revenue act of 1766 was passed in response to objections of the Sugars acts. -
Tea act
The tea act of 1773 was passed because the smuggling of tea between America and the Dutch became an issue for Britain. The colonists boycotted against it by throwing the boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor.