taxation whithout represation
the constual became aa issue thy wanted to get away from act town mettings protested aginst this law colinists did not like this law at all most people in 13 colines tyred to get red of this law if the colinest didnt agree the british would come by ships. sometimes they would kill the colinst -
stamp act
the british would always charge like newspaper maginzes the colines were tired of being tax by london , thy said if they wanted to be taxed they wanted to be taxed by their representis they would haft to wste a lot of money . like newspaper the tax and subject increased.lots and lots of things incresaed.cause of taxstiil we get taxed to day. -
townshed act
the britan made the colines to pay so they could stay loyal to britan but the colinest were really tired of this law, colinoists
were trying to elimate this law. out of these colines no onethis at was meant for resintes, this act led to the boston masccare in boston of 1770 liked it. this act was named after.
charles townshed, -
contineal congress
the first continel conongress aws first held in philly by george washington. this act was attended by 56. they wnated to dicuss liberty and peace. they met in secret cause they didnt wan britan to know that that they were united.the 13 colines made a army the chief was george wasshington. but there army was weak in alot of spots so they got help from france who wanted renenge on great britan. -
battles of lexington and concord
this battle was mostly amred conflict thi was the start of the turing point for the big war that would ste the colinst free from the britsh.there were 700 men in this war paul revere was leading this war they marrch to concord masschuets and took all the wepons there. but on there way there they had a battle with lexington. when they made to concord the britsh were there, caption jhon parker were in charge of the men but acouple minutes later one of his men fired ,this is were the war stared. -
tea act
they starded this act because there was a cerent law no one likedthis act was simlar to the stamp act this act was big because in the thirteen colines tea was big they didn't like paying extra for this tea. but in the thirteen colines thet took the land from the nattive amercians. so the native amercians were digused as colinest they went on the ship, and they threw the tea overboard. -
this act was to get away from great britanfor many reasons, this act was singed by many proud americans like john adams george washington thomas jeffroson and jhon handcok and samuel adams. but great britans response was conyinue war. -
battle of sartoga
this war was the most biggest turing point in the civil war the france also helped rthem in this war france was a big help . france gave the colins. they gave them guns ammination supplies the france helped whith a lot a things in this war if they never helped us we would of not won. -
battle of yorktown
this battle was the last of battles between the britsh, the person who led led the american troops was george washington, france also came to support them. later on the britsh defense weekend, george washington sent troops to attac they capatured 7,000 soliders thats when the britsh to make the peace treaty. -
peace treaty
the peace reaty was to end all of this fighting over taxes and land and freedom, this also means that the thirteeen colines were finally not owend by the britsh no more.the goverment from britsh could not tax them for tea newspaper or magzines. this singed was a big stop of of all the conflict they had.