Republic Aviation Evansville Timeline

  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Japanesse attack Pearl Harbor

    Japanesse attack Pearl Harbor
  • evansville airport assembly

    evansville airport assembly
  • republic avition plant and office

    republic avition plant and office
  • Elder Brooks , 1st local civilian

    Elder Brooks , 1st local civilian
  • Evansvillie airport leasted republic aviation for 1$ a year

    Evansvillie airport leasted republic aviation for 1$ a year
  • republic aviation office opened

    republic aviation office opened
  • The hoosier spirit

    The hoosier spirit
  • Modification center

    Modification center
  • Entering combation in england europe

    Entering combation in england europe
  • President roosevelt visits city.

    President roosevelt visits city.
  • Private air show

    Private air show
  • Lt. Herbert Filds - first fly

  • republic increase production 300%

  • Tojo Special

  • republic aviation corp

  • 2 1,000-pounds bombs attacted

  • back to normal as vast ferry movement has taken place.

  • loses power over field glids between trees and houses

  • open house for 25,000 employees

  • republic aviation wins 1st e-award

  • two p-47s bump wings

  • p-47s chance to bubble canopy

  • evansville p-47 completed

  • modifiction builts two 2-seat p-47s for training use, doulblebolt

  • the jakcie