• Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Renaissance Era

    The Renaissance Era was movement of science and the arts in Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Invention of the Gutenberg Printing Press

    Invention of the Gutenberg Printing Press
    The inventiion of the printing press greatly advanced the spread of knowledge throughougt the world.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Age of the Monarchs

    In this period Europe was mostly controled by demanding monarchs. It ended with the overthrow of King Louis the XVI durring the French Revolution.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1503 to Jan 1, 1519

    Mona Lisa Completion

    The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It was painted by artist/scientits/genius Leo da Vinci.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Posting fo the 95 Theses

    Posting fo the 95 Theses
    Martin Luther posted the 95 theses on the door in opposition to the Catholic Church.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1521 to Dec 31, 1522

    Martin Luther's Translation of the Bible

    While Martin Luther was in jail, he translated the Bible into German. It was one of the most influential translations to be published.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Heliocentric Theory

    Heliocentric Theory
    Copernicus was a scientific thinker who theorized that the Earth revolved around the sun. This was contrary to the popular belief of the Earth being the center of the Universe.
  • Period: Dec 13, 1545 to Dec 4, 1563

    Council of Trent

    The Council of Trent was the Catholics way of resisting the Protestant Reformation.
  • Period: to

    Age of Reason

    The Age of Reason was a time of enlightenment in Europe.
  • Inventioin of Gelilean Telesope.

    Inventioin of Gelilean Telesope.
    Galileo was the first person to build a working telescope. He made his first with about 3x magnification but soon perfected to over 30x. He presented his telescope to the public on this date.
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    This was a bloody war fought on the grounds of religion.
  • Period: to

    King Louis XIV Reign

    King Louis XIV otherwise known as the "Sun King" was one of the most powerful French monarchs. He put an end to feudalism at put everyone under his rule.
  • Newton's Laws of Motion

    Newton's Laws of Motion
    Sir Isaac Newton was a revolutionary thinker for his time. He theorized the Three Laws of Motion.
  • Period: to

    King Louis XV Reign

    King Louis XV was knon as "The Beloved". He had bad financial policies which weakened the treasury and helped lead to the French Revolution.
  • The Invention of the First Steam Engine

    The Invention of the First Steam Engine
    Watt did not come up with the very first steam engine but is credited with significant imporvements that gives him the title of the inventor of the first modern steam engine
  • Period: to

    King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI was known as "The Last". He was the last of the Louis before the French Revolution.
  • The First Electirc Battery

    The First Electirc Battery
    Ben Franklin first coined the term "battery" being an array of charged plates. Alessandro Volta is credited with making the first electric battery.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a time of uprising of the French people in overthrowing the monarchy
  • The Invention of the Cotton GIn

    The Invention of the Cotton GIn
    Eli Whitney made the first cotton gin durring the slave movement. It greatly sped the production of cotton making a furthur boom in the slave trade.
  • The First Steel Plow by John Deere

    The First Steel Plow by John Deere
    John Deere invented the first steel plow. This greatly helped farmers in rural America speeding agriculture production
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    This attack on America's largest naval base by the Japaneeese spurred America's entrance into WWII
  • D-Day

    This invasion of epic magnitude helped the Allies take control of Axis controlled lands.
  • Enola Gay Drops Da Bomb

    Enola Gay Drops Da Bomb
    The Enola Gay dropping the first atormic bomb "Little Boy" on Heroshima was the begining of the end of the war in the Pacific.
  • Nelson Mandela Becomes President of SA

    Nelson Mandela Becomes President of SA
    Nelson becoming president ended over three centuries of white rule in South Africa.