Rennaisance Timeline

  • Nov 15, 1348

    The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    In 1348, the bubonic plague/the black plague first appeared in Florence. The people thought that god was punishing them WHAT WAS THE CHANGE?
    The black plague was a disease that took place starting from 1300.
    The black plague proved that the church did not have the solutions to everything and it partly started the rennaisance. WHAT WAS THE LASTING IMPACT?
    Due to the plague, doctors had to focus on finding more medicinal cures to prevent this from happening again
  • Nov 15, 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
    He invented the printing press in 1450. WHAT WAS THE CHANGE?
    This was a big breakthrough because people would be allowed to print books and the church aren't the only ones. HOW DOES IT HAVE AN IMPACT ON US?
    The printing press is something that is still used today, bat it has been modernized. I think that without him we might not have as many books as we have now.
  • Nov 15, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    In 1492, Christopher Columbus reached the American continent, the first european to do so.
    He was an explorer. He was challenging the churches theories and he inspired others during his time to explore like him WHAT IS THE LASTING CHANGE?
    He discovered a whole new place. He was a pioneer in the exploration. He caused europeans to go and settle and America.
  • Nov 15, 1504


    In 1504, Michelangelo finsihed hiis statue, David WHAT WAS THE CHANGE?
    His art in sculpture and painting was very humanist and realistic. So he was opposing the church by not painting or sculpting things that only were related to god. WHAT EFFECT DOES IT HAVE ON US TODAY?
    His sculpture, David is one of the worlds most iconic sculptures and is very famous still today. Artists today are inspired by his work also
  • Nov 13, 1506

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    In 1506 Leonardo Da Vinci finished painting the Mona Lisa WHAT WAS THE CHANGE?
    His paintings showed realistic things compared to the medival times HOW HAS IT MADE A LASTING IMPACT?
    He inspired many people to start painting about humans and humanist ideas
  • Nov 15, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    In 1519, Ferdinand and his crew left for the expedition aroun the world WHAT WAS THE CHANGE?
    He and his crew were the first men to circumnavigate the world (to start at one point and end at the same point too). He inspired a lot of people to explore the world WHAT IS THE LASTING IMPACT?
    He proved Copernicus' theory of the earth being a sphere was true by going around the world on a boat
  • William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    Shakespeare started writing plays in 1590. WHAT WAS THE CHANGE?
    Shakespeare's plays were one of the first that were based in the present time, compared to what was happening previously in the middle ages HOW HAS IT MADE A LASTING CHANGE TODAY?
    Most of his plays are still performed today. He gave inspiration to people to make plays based in the present and not about the after life
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    In 1609 Galileo was the first person to look at the sky through a telescope WHAT WAS THE CHANGE?
    Galileo was one of the only people that had gone through the 5-step scientific process and had proof that Copernicus' Heliocentric theory was corect WHAT IS THE EFFECT NOW?
    He found out things that is common knowledge now and his work gave people the desire to explore more.
  • Isaac Newton

     Isaac Newton
    In 1687 Isaac Newton published his full studies of gravity WHAT WAS THE CHANGE?
    He was discovering something that was all around and he was explaining it. WHAT IMPACT DOES IT HAVE ON US TODAY?
    This was important because it was all around and maybe because of him we now might not have known the actual answer to why things fall