350px raphael school of athens


  • Jan 1, 1445

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    In 1445 Johann Gutenberg invented the mecahanical printing press. No longer did the Europeans have to print by hand and have it take so long. Now they could print a lot faster and easier.I encouraged and inspired people to read and write. It was a big step for Europe and even more to come.
  • Apr 6, 1453

    The Fall of Constantinople

    The Fall of Constantinople
    This was a fight against the Christians and the Muslims. After 200 years of fighting the Christians lost because of the lack of army and weapons. This was the ending place of all the fighting It ended on May 29 1453.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    This painting is one of the most famous painting in the world. It was painted by a man named Leonardo Da Vinci.The Mona Lisa is still famous to this day because of its realistic facial features and body. It was a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo. What makes this painting so interesting is because some people see a frown and some see a smile.
  • Jan 1, 1504

    The Statue of David

    The Statue of David
    The Statue of David was created by Michelangelo. He was asked to make an incomplete project started 40 years back by Agostino Di Duccio.This project took four years to complete. It is 17 ft. tall and the statue is rigth now in Florence, Italy.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    The School of Athens

    The School of Athens
    This painting is made by Rapheal and is the most famous painting he did. It shows a lot of famous artists replaced as philosphers as ancient Greek and Roman people. It is located in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.