Renaissance timeline

  • 1300

    Renaissance start

    The period of time in which the renaissance started
  • 1353

    Black Death

    A terrible disease carried by rats that killed many people
  • Period: 1400 to 1450

    Medici family/ the rise of Rome

    The Medici family was a wealthy family that ruled Rome during this time
  • 1429

    Cosimo inherits the Medici bank

    He inherited the bank from his father Giovanni
  • Period: 1451 to 1475

    Leonardo Da vinci

    Italian artist famous for things like "The Mona Lisa"
  • Period: 1501 to 1550


    Political challenge to roman catholic church
  • 1504

    Michelangelo completes the statue David

    The statue itself is around 17 feet almost 3 times taller than an average man.
  • 1555

    The peace of Augsburg is published

    The temporary treaty with the Holy Roman Empire and Schmalkaldic league.
  • 1570

    Modern atlas is finished

    first book of modern day maps and charts is created