Renaissance Timeline

By jkl;
  • Period: Nov 13, 1313 to Nov 13, 1375

    Giovanni Boccaccio

    He started the Renaissance, he taught people to think for themselves and discover new things. The work he is perhaps most known for is the Decameron (which means "Work of Ten Days") 100 stories told over 10 days by 10 people escaping from the plague. it was one of the final storiesThe work he is perhaps most known for is the Decameron (which means "Work of Ten Days") 100 stories told over 10 days by 10 people escaping from the plague. it was one of the final stories. http://petrarch.petersadlon.
  • Nov 13, 1348

    Start of Black Plague

  • Period: Nov 13, 1350 to Nov 13, 1550

    The Renaissance

    Tthere where 4 major events during the renaissance period. they where:the Magna Carta, the renaissance, the Printing press, and the reformation. The magna carta was a document that limited the power of kings in great britian.The Renaissance was a time of growing knowledge for the poor, they had the idea of humannism which meant humans had the ability to do anything. The printing press did great things. they made books cheaper and easier to afford and increased the amount of knowledge for people.
  • Period: Nov 13, 1386 to Nov 13, 1466


    The 1st great sculptor of the Renaissance, his most famous sculpture was "David" which revitalised the "Classical" style of artwork w/ its realistic features and show of emotion.
  • Period: Nov 13, 1389 to Nov 13, 1464

    Coismo de Medici

    In 1439 he was instrumental in convincing pope Eugene IV to move the Ecumenical council of Ferrara to Florence. coismo de medici is the godfather of the renaissance. His family is a big part of the renaissance. they helped the renaissance out with their great wealth
  • Period: Nov 13, 1400 to Nov 13, 1468

    Johann Gutenberg

    Johann Gutenberg was a German inventor who started the idea for a printer, but later lost his establishment to an impatient financier named Johann Fust in 1455
  • Period: Nov 13, 1452 to Nov 13, 1519

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    considered a true renaissance man, which was to be well educated multiligual and very skilled at what he did. His greatest masterpiece was the "Mona Lisa" another great masterpiece of his was of the "Last Supper" which was of Jesus' last meeting with the 12 apostles before crucifixion. he was also an inventor & scientist in which he sketched new engineering technology and human anatomy
  • Period: Nov 13, 1466 to Nov 13, 1526

    Desiderius Erasmus

    was the illegitimate son of a priest, but was orphaned at a young age. Entering a monestary at a young age he became a priest before thirty
  • Period: Nov 13, 1469 to Nov 13, 1527


    Nicolo Machiavelli is known as the father of modern political science and ranks as one of the most important political figures in the Renaissance. His books influenced the behavior of many people. implication of his title is that the idealized Prince Charming is a mere fairy tale. Machiavelli was excommunicated for espousing his views, but his arguments had a profound effect on Renaissance attitudes toward government.
  • Period: Nov 13, 1471 to Nov 13, 1528

    Albrecht Durer

  • Period: Feb 7, 1478 to Jul 6, 1535

    Sir Thomas More

    made significant after being introduced to Henry VIII, and between 1514-1525 he became the master of requests,treasurer of the exchequer and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Sadly in 1535 he was beheaded for high treason.
  • Period: Nov 13, 1478 to Nov 13, 1529

    Daldassare Castiglione

    he was an Italian author, courtier, and diplomat. Within his writing he became one of the most influential people of the renaissance.His teachings were centered around ancient Greece and Rome philosophy
  • Period: Nov 13, 1483 to Nov 13, 1520


    Raphael is said to have perfected Renaissance painting, by adding even more perspective and realism. Branching from works by Leonardo & Machelangelo. He was most favored by the Pope and his greatest painting also relevant to popular people of the renaissance was "School of Athens".
  • Nov 13, 1550

    The end of the Renaissance

  • Period: Nov 13, 1564 to

    William Shakespeare

    shakespeare was born towards the end of the renaissance period and was one of the first to bring the renaissance’s core values to the theater. •Shakespeare utilized his knowledge of Greek and Roman classics when writing his plays. Before the renaissance, these texts had been suppressed by the Catholic Church.