Feb 24, 1044
Gun Powder
Gun Powder was invented by the Chinese. The latest known written year was 1044. Was originally supposed to be a potion of eternal life but was then found to be the potion of death and still is a potion of death.(http://fourriverscharter.org/projects/Inventions/pages/china_gunpowder.htm) -
Feb 24, 1300
Family was very important to these people, so marriages would start being arrange from the years of 2-3 because they had to make the right choice. The brides family would pay the groom and his family because the bride would leave their home and go live with their husband.(Life During the Renaissance) -
Feb 24, 1300
Education was rare for some people because they didn't have the money or wealth for it. If you were not rich or came from a rich family you would usually not get an education instead you would go and get a job to work for you family to get food and supplies that are needed.(Life During the Renaissance) -
Feb 24, 1300
Catholics believed buying these will get you past purgatory. The pope was using the money to build a new church. -
Feb 22, 1308
He was a writer. He wrote the Divine Comedy(Wiki and Artistic Movements of the Renaissance) -
Feb 24, 1340
Giovanni Boccaccio
He was a poet,writer and a correspondent with Petrarch. He focused more on medieval romance. -
Jul 19, 1374
Father of the Italian Renaissance. He focused on the Roman Latin manuscripts to learn and teach. (Wiki and Artistic Movements of the Renaissance) -
Jan 1, 1400
New Trade Items
With trading becoming an important thing in this time different things started to be traded. Some examples would be sweet potatoes and turkey. -
Feb 22, 1408
He was an artist/Sculptor. He focused more on statues instead of paintings. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance) -
Feb 17, 1436
Filippo Brunelleschi
Was a founding father of the Renaissance. He was an Italian designer and a key figure in architect. -
Feb 24, 1440
Print Press
Printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. This helped Luther's words spread about the 95 theses(Wiki) -
Aug 1, 1464
Cosimo de Medici
He was the wealthiest European of his time. Owned the Medici bank. (Italian Renaissance) -
Period: Dec 11, 1475 to Dec 1, 1521
Pope Leo X
Pope Leo X was the pope of the Catholic church from March 9, 1513 until his death in 1521.(Wiki) -
Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546
Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a man of the church. He created the 95 theses and went against the church.( Wiki) -
Period: Jun 28, 1491 to Jan 28, 1547
King Henry VIII
Refused to recognize the Roman Catholic church. Created his own, Church of England.(Martin Luther and Reformation) -
Apr 9, 1492
Lorenzo de Medici
Was one of the better Patrons of the Arts. He was the grandson of Cosimo de Medici. (Italian Renaissance) -
Feb 15, 1503
Leonardo da Vinci
He was a Renaissance man, an artist, an inventor. One of his greatest paintings was the Mona Lisa. Was created in 1503. He had many more inventions and paintings.(Wiki) -
Feb 22, 1510
He was an artist during this time period. He is well known for his creation of The School of Athens.(Artistic Movements of the Renaissance) -
Feb 24, 1512
He was a famous poet in the 14th century. Most famous for his Orlando Furioso.(Bio.com) -
Feb 24, 1513
Pope's saying
What the Pope says goes. During this time period the pope and higher ranking people in the church were the only ones to read the bible because it was in Latin and not a lot of people knew how to read it. -
Feb 24, 1513
Buying your way into the church
If you were wealthy you could buy your way up the chain in the church.(Martin Luther and Reformation) -
It was invented by Hans Lippershey. Him and his father Zacharias Janssen could have both potentially made it together but no one knows for a fact who actually created it. (http://www.livescience.com/39649-who-invented-the-microscope.html) -
Francis Bacon
He was a scientist and also a lawyer. He published one book in his time "Novum Organum Scientiarum" -
Galileo Galilei
Discovered that earth was not the center of the universe. He wrote many books but banned for going against the church. He became well known after he died. -
Isaac Newton
He discovered the Newton Laws. These bring us our laws of physics and gravity.