Renaissance & Reformation Timeline Mason Ormsby

  • 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    This is around the time the plague had killed a large number of the population. This helped the economy by allowing the more wealthy people to look into art,display, and education. This is when the Renaissance first started and this played a huge role in it.
  • 1386


    Donatello was one the best Florentine sculptors in the 15th century. His influence on 15th century Italy inspired a new perspective on sculptures and the way they are made. Some of his most famous work was inspired by people like Erasmo da Narni.
  • 1397

    The Medici Bank

    The Medici Bank
    In Italy during the 15th century the Medici bank was founded by the Medici family. This bank grew to be one of the largest banks in Italy during that time. This gave the Medici family great wealth, so much so that for a time it is believed they were the wealthiest family in Europe. Using there political and financial power they helped support artist during that time by buying paintings and having paintings made for them.
  • 1405

    The Book of The City of Ladies

    The Book of The City of Ladies
    Christian De Pizan wrote this writing and talked about women and men. He said that woman are just as equal to men if they have the same opportunity's. This changed the way woman were portrayed a little bit during the Renaissance.
    I used the artistic movement of the renaissance notes for this.
  • 1427

    The Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church
    They catholic church played a huge role in renaissance art. Becoming a huge patron of the arts during the renaissance commissioning multiple famous works of art. But most works of art also came for another patron of art the Medici family.
  • 1440

    The Printing press

    The Printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press in 1440. This was huge because it opened new doors for people who weren't able to get there hands on things before. This made everything more accessible during the renaissance.
  • 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian artist,engineer, and scientist. His paintings the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa are regarded as the most popular and influential paintings of its time. He played a huge role in the renaissance humanist beliefs.
  • 1472

    The Divine Comedy

    The Divine Comedy
    This is a poem written by Dante. It is where he is going on a made up journey through purgatory. This was popular during the Renaissance, and helped people imagine the journey.
    I used the artistic movement of the Renaissance notes for this
  • 1475


    Michelangelo an Italian artist that is regarded as the greatest painter/sculptor ever. Some of his works are of the most famous paintings ever. He is also one the first artist to have a biography written and printed while he was alive.
  • 1492


    Trading was part of everyday life during the Renaissance. But they in finding new ways to travel more efficiently trading has grown during the renaissance. Sweet potatoes and turkey came from the Americans in 1492.
  • 1496


    wall paper was invented around this time. This was a big deal because both wealthy and poor people could afford them. They would also help with keeping some of the heat in the castle.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    This a half-length portrait painting that was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. This painting grew to be one of the most famous paintings and is regarded as a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance. The reason it grew to be so popular is the different quality's within the painting that people talked about and loved.
  • 1504


    Raphael was an Italian renaissance painter who is most known by his "Madonnas". When he became Perugino's apprentice around 1504 is when he started some of his most famous paintings. This apprenticeship last roughly 4 years.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther a priest spoke against the churches selling of indulgences. He said that it was wrong to let rich people be relived of there sins because they have money. This was before the reformation church.
  • 1521

    "defender of faith"

    "defender of faith"
    Pope Leo X rewarded Henry VIII because of what he said to Martin Luther. Henry sent Martin a written letter attacking him and his ideas. Pope Leo X gave the name "defender of the faith" because of this.
  • 1521


    This is the time when Martin Luther was excommunicated from the church. With Luther's new free time he translated the bible to German. This all led up to the reformation of the church.
  • 1522

    German Bible

    German Bible
    This is when Luther started working on translating the bible. This would change everything because nobody else could read the bible. This was the time before the church had been reformed.
  • 1534

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    This is when Henry VIII made himself supreme head of the church. This meant that he was separated from the roman catholic church. This was all happening before the reformation of the church of england.
  • 1543

    Nicolas Copernicus

    Nicolas Copernicus
    In 1543 Nicolas published his theory on the planets rotation. His idea was that the sun was the center and all the other planets went around it. This was a new idea during the renaissance and it changed the way astronomy was thought of.
  • 1581


    Galileo made the first pendulum around 1581. This new invention made it possible for them to make clocks that were much more accurate. Many more improvements had to be made from the first pendulum but that is what started it off.
  • John Harrington

    John Harrington
    John Harrington invented the flush toilet in 1596. He made it for himself and the queen. But his friends made fun of him for his invention so he didn't make another one for awhile.
  • Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    Hans patented the telescope around 1608. This invention which he called the looker, claimed to magnify the image 3 times. This invention effected astronomers greatly because they were now able to get a closer look.
  • Hamlet

    This play was performed around 1609. This play was written by William Shakespeare. It is connected to the Renaissance because the main character of the play was portrayed after a renaissance woman.
  • Galilean Moons

    Galilean Moons
    This is referring to the four moons Galileo discovered around 1610. They were given this name in honor of Galileo. This was huge during the renaissance this made Galileo very popular.
  • Treaty of westphalia

    Treaty of westphalia
    This treaty was put in place around 1648. This can be directly linked to the end of the reformation. Because this treaty ended the Thirty Year's War.