Renaissance & Reformation Timeline

  • Apr 6, 1420

    Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino-Renaissance Art/Artists

    Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino-Renaissance Art/Artists
    Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino was a painter and architect in the Renaissance time period. He is most famous for his clear paintings and easy composition. He was really productive and is best known for his works on the Vatican Palace. The date attached was the day he died.
  • Feb 20, 1431

    Pope Martin V-The Catholic Church

    Pope Martin V-The Catholic Church
    Pope Martin V was a pope whos election effectively ended the western schism. This was a split in the church that lasted for close to 50 years. He lived in the most distinguished family in Rome. The day attached is the day he died.
  • Feb 13, 1447

    Pope Eugene IV-The Catholic Church

    Pope Eugene IV-The Catholic Church
    Pope Eugene IV was a pope that served from 1431 to 1447. He was the nephew of Pope Gregory XII, so he came from a wealthy family. He was well known for excommunicating anyone who enslaves new Christians. The date attached is when he died.
  • Aug 1, 1464

    Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici-Patrons of the Arts

    Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici-Patrons of the Arts
    Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici was a very rich person in the time that he was most popular and when he was at the hight of his life. He was known for being a great banker and politician in the 1400s. He was known to support different painters like Michelangelo and others in hope that they could grow and maybe even earn him more money. The date attached signifies the end of his reign.
    Italian Renaissance slide-8
  • Dec 13, 1466

    Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi-Renaissance Art/Artists

    Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi-Renaissance Art/Artists
    He too was born in the Republic of Florence, and there he studied classical sculpture. Through his famous sculpting works, he made a new kind of sculpting called bas-reliefs. This is still used today and is very efficient and it also looks great. The date attached is when he died.
  • Apr 8, 1492

    Lorenzo de' Medici-Patrons of the art

    Lorenzo de' Medici-Patrons of the art
    Lorenzo de' Medici was a very wealthy statesman who played into the Medici family bank that was owned by his older brother. He was known for being powerful and enthusiastic. He was also known for supporting many artists like the esteemed Botticelli. The date is when his reign ended also known as when he died.
    Italian Renaissance-slide 8
  • Jun 9, 1498

    The Last Supper-Renaissance Art/Artists

    The Last Supper-Renaissance Art/Artists
    This is one of the most famous paintings that came out of the Renaissance time period. It was painted by the famous painter Leonardo De Vinci. It is a 280x350in painting that is located in Convent of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan. The date attached is when the painting what completed.
  • 1500

    Indulgences for St. peters Basilica.-The Catholic Church

    Indulgences for St. peters Basilica.-The Catholic Church
    An indulgence is when the church offers the option for you to pay money to "Free" someone from purgatory. This was later found out to be a scam. These specific indulgences went to build the basilica of st. Peters which was a very large church that many popes wanted to build. The year attached is when the indulgences were happening.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Tunics-Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance

    The tunic is a very common piece of clothing in the renaissance time period. It is a thin layer of cloth that covered from the shoulder area to between the hips and knees. I resemble a modern-day t-shirt.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Jerkin-Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance

    A Jerkin is a sleeveless jacket that was usually worn on the outside most layer of the clothing. This article of clothing was usually made of leather and resembles the modern tanktop. this article of clothing was usually worn by men.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Doublet-Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance

    A doublet is a snug-fitted shirt that was worn in Spain and later western Europe. Its length is to the waist and worn over shirts and the drawers/pants. Usually worn under a layer of cloth like a gown.
  • Apr 7, 1506

    Heliocentric solar system-Scientific Discoveries

    Heliocentric solar system-Scientific Discoveries
    The heliocentric solar system was the whole idea that the earth revolves around the sun. Previously people believed that the sun revolved around the earth and that is how we get the days. Later it was discovered that the Earth actually revolves around the sun.
  • Jul 11, 1509

    The marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine-Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation

    The marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine-Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
    King Henry married his first of 6 wives that he will have. Her name is Catherine, but when she failed to give the King a male heir he divorced her against the will of the catholic church. This participated int he protestant reformation.
  • Apr 20, 1513

    The Prince-Literary Works

    The Prince-Literary Works
    The price was a literary work that was written by Niccolo Machiavelli. This was a best seller book that talks about politics and is translated in many languages. This book was published in the 1500s and is not known the exact date it was published.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Theses-Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation

    95 Theses-Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
    The 95 Theses was basically 95 things that Martin Luther thought was wrong with eh church. The wrote all 95 in a row, then nailed them to the front of his local church. Another person got a hold of them and put them through a printing press and distributed them around Europe.
  • May 2, 1519

    Leonardo da Vinci-Renaissance Art/Artists

    Leonardo da Vinci-Renaissance Art/Artists
    Leonardo da Vinci was a very famous person while he was alive and even now in the 21st century. He is most famous for all of his incredible paintings and discoveries in his lifetime. One of his most famous works is the painting of the Sistine Chapel. This date that is attached is the day that he died. Italian Renaissance-slide 12
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Martins Excommunication- Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation

    Martins Excommunication- Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
    In January of 1521, Pope Leo X and many others had a trial against Martin Luther. This would end up in Martian's ex-communication from the catholic church. He was excommunicated from the church for the posting of his 95 theses and for many of his other works.
  • Jul 3, 1561

    The Baconian method-Scientific Discoveries

    The Baconian method-Scientific Discoveries
    The Baconian method better knows as the scientific method was a method that was dased on inductive reasoning to find out what you need to succeed in finding out something to do with science. Steps include generalization, deduction, evidence, and induction.
  • Feb 18, 1564

    Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni-Renaissance Art/Artists

    Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni-Renaissance Art/Artists
    Michelangelo was a famous sculptor, painter, artist, and poet. He was born in the Republic of Florence and was highly educated this then led to his influence on art in the west. He was so good at art and at just being human that he was a high contender for the title of Renaissance man. The date attached is when he died.
  • Jul 18, 1578


    The submarine was an early invention that only lasted 15 min on its first tun. This invention was originally made with two boats that were put together and sealed shut. Then it was covered in a layer of wax to make it streamline. This invention was made by William Bourne
  • Microscope-Inventions

    The microscope was an invention that was made in 1590. This invention used a lens or multiple lenses to enlarge small objects so that people could see them easier. This invention was made by Zacharias Janssen.
  • thermometer/temperature-Scientific Discoveries

    thermometer/temperature-Scientific Discoveries
    What I mean by the title is that in the renaissance they made the discovery that you could measure temperature using the thermometer. This was extremely important then as it is now. They used it for measuring the temperature outside, in water, and even body temp. The date is when the thermometer was invented.
  • King Leer-Literary Works

    King Leer-Literary Works
    King Leer is a literary work that was written by William Shakespeare in 1605 and 1606. It was drafted in those years but the exact date that it was published was not written. This book is about a king who had to unfaithful daughters then he realizes the unconditional love of his third.
  • Parachute-Inventions

    The parachute was an invention that was created by Leonardo de Vinci. The first design was tested by a guy who jumped from a tower in Venice. It was first designed with a seven meter piece of linen in the shape of the purmid.
  • Paradice Lost-Literary Works

    Paradice Lost-Literary Works
    Paradise Lost is a book written by John Milton that was published in 1667. this was a poem that had thousands of lines of verse, they speak of the fall of man. They also talk about Adam and Eve and lots of satans evil works.