Renaissance & Reformation TImeline

  • Period: 517 to Oct 5, 1517


    The Church started selling indulgences around 517 or farther back and kept selling them until around 1517 when Martin Luther called them out to stop. The indulgences would get people out of purgatory. \
  • Oct 5, 1346

    The Plague

    The Plague
    The Black Plague started in 1346 and killded many many people. It wiped out about 1/3 of the people in Europe. This gave peasants more power becasue they were all dying.
  • Feb 21, 1377

    Three Popes

    Three Popes
    In 1377 there were three different Popes. After the last Pope a new Pope was elected but the French cardinals did not like him so they elected their own. After that they elected a third Pope to kind of pick someone everyone liked. Martin Luther: The Protestant Reformation PP
  • Period: Oct 5, 1378 to Oct 5, 1417

    Papal Schism

    The Papal Schism was when the headquarters of the church moved. Clement V moved it from Rome to Avigon. In 1417 the headquarters were moved back to Rome witht the next Pope. Martin Luther: The Protestant Reformation PP
  • Oct 5, 1400


    Instrament and vocal music became popular again. This started at the end to the medival era.
  • Oct 5, 1408

    Human Molds

    Human Molds
    Leonardo made many advances with the anatomay of the human body and did this by using his art skills. He would take corpses and put wax or clay inside them to form molds and shapes of what the human body looked like.
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo de Medici was born.

    Lorenzo de Medici was born.
    Lorenzo de Medici was born on this day. He was a patron of the arts that would buy and sell many paintings with his family's money. Renaissance Introduction PP
  • Oct 5, 1450

    Creation of the printing press.

    Creation of the printing press.
    Around 1450 Gutenberg created the printing press. The printing press made books much easier to make. You could now mass produce books. Gutenberg Reading & Review
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci was born.

    Leonardo da Vinci was born.
    Leonardo was renaissance man. That meant he did just about everything and is very well know for his art. His most famous work is the Mona Lisa.
  • Period: Oct 5, 1483 to Oct 5, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther was born in Germany. He lived in Wittenberg. Martin Luther: The Protestant Reformation
  • Oct 5, 1498

    The Last Supper painting was finished.

    The Last Supper painting was finished.
    The Last Supper took three years to paint. It wsa painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Oct 5, 1500

    The design for the parachute.

    The design for the parachute.
    The parachute was not actually made and used in the renaissance but Leonardo da Vinci designed the first parachute then. No one believed him that it would work and let the parachute go. It was later in 2000 when someone recreated Leonardo's dessign and found that his parachute would actually work.
  • Oct 5, 1503

    The Mona Lisa creation.

    The Mona Lisa creation.
    The Mona Lisa is one of the greatest paintings of all time. Leonardo da Vinici painted the Mona Lisa.
  • Oct 5, 1505

    Pope Julius II starts the construction of his tomb.

    Pope Julius II starts the construction of his tomb.
    Pope Julius II was a patron of the arts. He supported Michelangelo a lot. Pope Julius II paid Michelangelo to do many paintings, but had him do two very important projects. First Pope Julius II had Michelangelo create his tomb, which took 40 years and he didn't finish it. He was also got Michelangelo the job to paint the Sistine Chapel's cieling.
  • Oct 5, 1508

    Michelangelo began working on the Sistine Chapel.

    Michelangelo began working on the Sistine Chapel.
    The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel has many paintings on it and very one of the greatest works of all time. Michelangelo was the one who painted all the frescos on the ceiling. The paintings are different scenes from the Old Testament.
  • Oct 5, 1511

    Creation of the painting called the School of Athens.

    Creation of the painting called the School of Athens.
    The School of Athens was painted by Raphael. If you look hard enough you can see that some of the best Greek philosophy are all in the painting. There are about 21 of them painted in the painting.
  • Oct 5, 1517

    The 95 Theses

    The 95 Theses
    Martin Luther had pinned his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg church. The 95 Theses were everything he found wrong with the church.
  • Oct 5, 1524

    Peasants War

    Peasants War
    The peasants war started in 1524. The peasants were fighting fort their freedom. They want more rights and better lives.
  • Oct 5, 1534

    Martin Luther translates the Bible.

    Martin Luther translates the Bible.
    Martin Luther translated the Bible to German. He translated both the old and new testament. This made it to where everyone could read the Bible, not just priest, monks, and the Popes.
  • Oct 5, 1543

    Heliocentric View

    Heliocentric View
    Heliocentric view was a theory was that the earth revolved around the sun. That was a new idea, everyone believed everything revolved the earth.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    Romeo and Juliet is a play written by Wiliam Shakespeare. It is about a couple that seceretly fall in love, hiding from their waring families. It is one of Shakespeare's most famous works that just about everyone knows.
  • Hamlet

    Hamlet was a tragedy written by Shakespear. Hamlet is Shakespear's longest and one of his most powerful plays he had written.
  • Macbeth

    Macbeth is a play written by Shakespeare. It is about a man who is seeking power for himself and what comes from his selfish acts.
  • The invention of the barometer.

    The invention of the barometer.
    In 1643 Evangelista Torricelli created the first barometer. The barometer measures the atmospheric pressure in the air.
  • Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    The scientif method was created by Galileo. It is an order in way people conduct expirments to make them work out easier and make them easier to follow.