Aug 6, 1244
Scientific Method ( Scientific Discoveries )
Although the scientific method was already a process that existed before the renaissance there were some individuals during the renaissance that pushed it farther to what it is today. Who knows what we wouldn't have discovered if it were not for the scientific method. Roger Bacon was one of the individuals that added hypothesizing and experimenting or testing then re evaluating into the scientific method. Source : https://explorable.com/history-of-the-scientific-method -
Sep 7, 1400
Peasant's ( Daily Life )
Peasant's were the the core of any population during this time period. They made up almost 85 to 95 percent of the population's of kingdoms and such. They worked everyday of there lives although they were considered "free" by law. They also did not have anything special to eat or shelter wise as they mostly lived with the animals they tended to. Source : Daily Life During the Renaissance ppt -
Mar 7, 1431
Education ( Daily Life )
Education was different back then during the Renaissance. It was mostly for higher upper class boys. Girls did not attend school until later on. Even though school was for higher up families and boys there would be a talented poor kid that would be allowed sometimes. After school some would go on to be apprentices, get a job, or continue there education. Source : Daily Life ppt -
Aug 7, 1440
The Printing Press ( Inventions )
The Printing Press was a very important invention during the Renaissance time period. It spread word from place to place very quickly and also educated more people that could read and could even help people learn to read. It was much more effective than they way copies were produced before it's time. The person who invented The Printing Press was Johannes Gutenberg.
http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/press.html -
Feb 5, 1453
Fashion and Clothing ( Daily Life )
Fashion and clothing during this time period was pretty simple. There was no certain type of clothing that was "in" or that everyone wanted to be a part of. Instead it was basically the more brighter colors and jewelry the better. This is the reason because this showed that you were more wealthy then others and more "important". Source : Daily Life ppt -
Sep 7, 1453
Jan van Eyck ( Patrons of The Art's )
Jan van Eyck may be one of the artists who is not recognized as often as other artists during the renaissance. He gave paintings more detail and focused more on detail than perspective. He was also the first to perfect paintings that used oil paints. Source : Artistic Movement's of The Renaissance ppt -
Aug 4, 1457
The Book of The City of Ladies ( Literary Works )
This book is all about how women could be just as strong and intelligent as men if they were given the same opportunities as men got. It makes sense that this book was written because back in time in a majority of places women were not given the same opportunities let alone rights as a person. This even applies to some places in the world today but not nearly as much as before. Source : Artistic Movements of The Renaissance ppt -
May 13, 1459
The Bible ( Literary Works )
This was by far the biggest and most noticeable literary work during the Renaissance as pretty much everyone was religious back then not to say there weren't any odd people out because there were and there always will be but it was the Literary work that mostly everyone read and lead there life by in order to be a good christian and get to salvation. Source : Artistic Movement of The Renaissance ppt -
Apr 23, 1467
Donatello ( Renaissance Art )
Donatello was another artists that was intrigued by Roman and Greek cultures and often incorporated those features into his art's. One clear example of his work is a realistic looking free-standing statue of Saint George. https://learnodo-newtonic.com/donatello-famous-works -
Jun 8, 1470
Filippo Brunelleschi ( Renaisance Art )
Filippo Brunelleschi was more of an architect rather than a painter but still managed to incorporate art into his structures and different ways to make building's and structures be more appealing to people. He eventually figured out how to make a dome structure "which was very hard to do because no one knew how to distribute the weight evenly and such" when he built the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence. Source : Artistic Movement's of The Renaissance ppt -
Jul 4, 1483
Martin Luther ( Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation )
Martin Luther would be the person that would have different ideas of what the church should be although many other's may have had the same feeling's and beliefs that he did he would be the one to be brave and strong enough to stand up to the church. He is the reason that the church was split into many directions his being Lutheran. Martin Luther was born i the town of Wittenberg and was born in the year of 1483. He also died the year of 1546. Source : Martin Luther & Reformation ppt -
May 7, 1500
Michelangelo ( Patrons of The Art's )
Michelangelo was one of the artists of the Renaissance who's work was most admired and can still be seen until this very day by carefully preserving it. One of his most popular painting's was The Creation. These types of painting's were also called frescoes. At this time during the Renaissance paintings started to look more and more realistic using ways such as the perspective view. Source : Artistic Movement's of The Renaissance ppt -
Jun 16, 1500
The School of Athen's ( Renaissance Art )
This painting was created by Raphael and was painted in the Vatican Palace. This painting symbolized many things to those who admired it. It had many people that contributed to the artistic and educational movements during the renaissance and was a symbol of the world taking another step to becoming more intelligent. It also symbolizes things such as peace, balance, and order of which Raphael studied and was intrigued by Greek and Roman Art. Source : Artistic Movements of The Renaissance ppt -
Sep 27, 1500
Leonardo ( Renaissance Art )
Leonardo wasn't just know for being ahead of his time for his inventions and contraptions but also his artistic works. He often painted paintings that looked very realistic using many different colors and perspective view to help them. He was also called the Master of the "realistic painting". Source : Artistic Movements of The Renaissance ppt -
Dec 9, 1500
Relics ( Pre-Reformation)
Relics was one of the steps you could take as a good christian to get to heaven faster and spend less time in Purgatory. Although you did have to pay to see the relics it was considered a good deed to the church. Not all could afford to see the relics but if they had the money to they would. This idea was later contradicted by Martin Luther. https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/relc/hd_relc.htm -
Jun 4, 1504
Indulgences ( Pre-Reformation )
Indulgences were like going to see relics they would lessen your time in Purgatory and get you to heaven faster. To purchase one was seen as being a good christian as the money was going to the building of the St. peters church at first. Later on Indulgences could be purchased for other family members and even those who were not alive anymore. This idea was also contradicted by Martin Luther as absurd. Source : Artistic Movements of The Renaissance ppt -
Oct 5, 1515
Submarine ( Inventions )
The Submarine is a vehicle that has many different purposes whether it's to explore the depth's of the ocean or for military advantages over the enemy in combat. Although the invention was originally designed by Leonardo da Vinci the first person to really bring the creation to life and who was given credit was Cornelis Drebbel a Dutchman who built the first working prototype in the year 1620.
https://science.howstuffworks.com/nuclear-submarine1.htm -
Mar 8, 1521
Luther's Excommunication ( Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation )
Every person that was in the church had the possibility of being excommunicated which is not something anybody would want unless it's Luther. Martin Luther felt very strong about his beliefs of the church and how it should be. Even though on 1521 in January Martin Luther did not recant 41 of his 95 theses and was then excommunicated from the church. Source : Martin Luther & Reformation ppt -
Aug 21, 1521
Martin Luther's Opinion Of Indulgences ( Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation )
Martin Luther had many opinions of the church and shared his opinions with others of how some of the thing's that the church did was wrong or not what god wanted. One of these thing's was the selling of indulgences. Martin Luther believed that people should keep the money to take care of themselves and there family instead of buying one. He also believed it was wrong due to the fact that people could still go to heaven even if an evil act was committed. Source : Martin / Reformation Power Point -
Sep 12, 1521
Authority In The Church ( Pre-Reformation )
Before the protestant reformation the popes and cardinals and such had lots of authority and told people how to lead good lives. This also meant that they could tell people that it was good to see relics and buy such tings like Indulgences which some disagreed with. People like Martin Luther felt that they had to much power of the church and the only way to live a good life was to follow the Bible. Source : Martin Luther & Reformation ppt -
Mar 24, 1523
The Divine Comedy ( Literary Works )
There were many literary works during the Renaissance most of which were religious or had to deal with it in some sort of way. The Divine Comedy is a poem that explains the soul of a persons journey to salvation but along the way visiting each possible place that a persons soul may go like Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven which is the final destination if you lived a good life. Source : Artistic Movements of The Renaissance ppt -
Jul 9, 1543
Heliocentric Solar System ( Scientific Discoveries )
The Heliocentric Solar System was a model or thought of how our solar system worked and where the sun, earth, other planets were positioned. This model/though was designed by Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543.
http://muse.tau.ac.il/museum/galileo/heliocentric.html -
Jul 11, 1543
Albrecht Durer ( Renaissance Art )
Albrecht Durer like Leonardo da Vinci studied the human form in rest and movement to better understand the human form to be able to create even more realistic paintings. He also studied lots of Italian arts and there creators. Source : Artistic Movements of The Renaissance ppt -
Galileo's Discovery ( Scientific Discoveries )
Galileo may be one of the name's you have probably heard of before when it comes to discoveries. He used his telescope which was a new invention at the time of the Renaissance by itself. He discovered mountains on the Earth's moon, different spots on the sun, and the four moons that revolved around Jupiter. All in all this was definitely one step closer to exploring the world we lived in. Source : https://prezi.com/pwcybjz9gp-8/galileo-galileis-contributions-to-the-scientific-revolution/ -
Tank ( Inventions )
Another invention that was invented during the Renaissance was the tank by Leonardo da Vinci. Although he designed the tank it wouldn't be built and used until the beginning of world war one when the first tank prototype was built by the British called Little Willie. Little Willie was a prototype to the first tank's that would ever see combat, the British mark 1 land ship's. http://www.leonardodavincisinventions.com/war-machines/leonardo-da-vincis-tank/