Renaissance/reformation/scientific revolution timeline

  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo de'Medici

    Lorenzo de'Medici
    Born in Florence ,Italy to a powerful family the Medici .His reign was anything but ideal however his idea was for the rich and rather ignore the poor .His life however was anything but peaceful. a rivalry between his family and that of the Pazzi was his downfall. The assassination's of his brother was the final nail in the coffin that and the backing of a king.
  • 1450


    A movement started during the renaissance focused on art. Including that of ancient literacy. Science was at the center of the humanities. the five humanities are as follows poetry, moral ,philosophy ,grammar history and rhetoric.
  • 1450

    perspective of the reaissance

    perspective of the reaissance
    Perspective is the idea of creating depth in your artwork. Making objects or people appear farther away or closer then they appear. Making shadows and lines seem behind one another
  • 1450

    Printing revolution

    Printing revolution
    The time before this revolution there was few to no books at all in some areas. With this invention however books such as the bible began to be mass produced. With books now avaible much more freely to the public more people began to read. As a result literacy rates increased.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo da vinci

    Leonardo da vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci was a famous painter ,sculpture and craftsman during the period of time known as the renaissance. Raised by his father his life was full of the finest opportunity. apprenticeships and commissions came from everywhere. His famous works include The Last Supper and The Virgin on the Rocks.
  • Feb 19, 1473


    Copernicus discovered many notable things in his life time worth mentioning. He had the idea that plants used the sun as there point of direction. He also deprived the idea of a sun-centered system. His accomplishments didn't stop there however with the idea the earth also rotates on an axis. He helped reform the calendar we know now.
  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo was a famous figure in the renaissance he was a painter ,sculpture and architect. His best works include the Sistine chapel and Adam. He was the first artist on record to have a biography when he was alive
  • 1478


    Tis group was formed to get rid of anyone who opposed the Catholic church. There goal was to punish or report any people or persons suspected of heresy. Over thirty thousand people were killed.
  • Feb 7, 1478

    Thomas More

    Thomas More
    Thomas more had a formal education in London. His father preferred his son to follow in his career of law. More however chose to follow has a monk .He became a spokesperson for merchants and foreigners in the trade industry. Eventually however he wrote the book Utopia which was a communist like ideal of the perfect world.
  • May 28, 1491

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Henry was the second born of the English royalty dynasty known as the Tudors. His older brother Arthur died in 1501 and Henry was set to marry Catherine of Aragon. Catherine had three sons and three daughters only one of which survived henrys daughter Mary .Henry went on two marry five more wives two were beheaded one divorced one died and one survived. Out of these marriages he had One deceased son and another daughter named Elizabeth.
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Elizabeth the first

    Elizabeth the first
    Elizabeth was originally third in line for the throne. At a young age she struggled with her mothers beheading and her illegitimacy to the throne of England. Despite all these facts she rose to power not only as a major figurehead but an influence over England and the church. She also had influence over other countries.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The council of Trent was a group of individuals who opposed the Protestants. They tried to withhold anymore power they could gain but instead inspired more people to stand up for what they believed in. Thus Reformation was the main topic during these meetings.
  • Jan 22, 1561

    Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Bacon was a Lord chancellor of England. His most notable accomplishments include the idea and creation of the scientific method .He soon however became in political power with a letter to Elizabeth I queen of England. He also was a respected member of parliment. he was also Knighted by James I.
  • Feb 15, 1564


    Galileo was an acomplishished individual. Much of what he discovered is used today. The telescope for an example was his discover further proving that the sun-centered system was real. he also developed the process of the Scientific method which as of still current time iis used today in science. His discovers range from the Stars to the simple basics of motion.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    Shakespeare was an English actor and writer .His works are still well respected today such as Romeo and Juliet ,Macbeth and many more. Among his other accomplishments was his poetry and acting career .Although Shakespeare's personal life is somewhat unknown there is records about acting career. He was an Actor in "The King's Men" guild.