renaissance reformation

  • 15 BCE


    Humanism was a worldview centered on the nature and importance of humanity, that emerged from the study of Classical antiquity.
  • 15 BCE

    scientific method

    Renaissance scientists were the first to adopt Francis Bacon's system of the scientific method, which relied on observation and hypothesis to establish its claims.
  • 15 BCE

    Heliocentric Theory

    Copernicus developed his heliocentric theory, hypothesizing the Earth's revolution around the Sun, between 1515-1530. His theory refuted the geocentric vision of the system according to Ptolemy of Alexandria that had been the only accepted explanation for centuries.
  • 14 BCE


    It the 15th centriues prespective was vanishing points, foreshooting, and orthogonal lines. It was very important back then.
  • 14 BCE

    Printing Revolution

    Johann Gutenberg's invention of movable-type printing quickened the spread of knowledge, discoveries, and literacy in Renaissance Europe. The printing revolution also contributed mightily to the Protestant Reformation that split apart the Catholic Church.
  • 8 BCE

    sale of indulengences

    It was a practice where the church would acknowledge doations or other chairty work. It certified that your soul would enter heaven more quickly.
  • Jul 18, 1374


  • Feb 3, 1468


  • Apr 8, 1492


  • May 2, 1519


  • Apr 6, 1520


  • Jul 6, 1535

    thomas more

  • Jul 12, 1536


  • Feb 18, 1546

    martin luther

  • Jan 28, 1547


  • May 27, 1564

    john calvin

  • william

  • pope paul