Renaissance & Reformation

  • Aug 23, 1285

    Eyeglasses (Inventions)

    Eyeglasses (Inventions)
    The eyeglasses were made around 1285 by Salvino D’Armate when he was just messing around and put two glass pieces together and saw that it made him see things better. The eyeglasses helped a lot of people in the Renaissance see better and the paintings also started to have more eyeglasses painted in them. (New Ideas and Inventions)
  • Period: Nov 4, 1387 to Apr 29, 1400

    Canterbury Tales (Literary Works)

    The Canterbury tales is a book written by Geoffrey Chaucer that has about 24 different stories in it and is written between the years of 1387 to 1400. This story is also about pilgrims that went to a tomb of St. Thomas Beckett. Soon after he got killed by followers of King Henry ll. A lot of the people were also influenced by these different stories. (Artistic Movements Of the Renaissance)
  • Jul 23, 1397

    Medici family (Patrons of the Arts)

    Medici family (Patrons of the Arts)
    The Medici family that established headquarters in the year of 1397. The Medici family had controlled most of the Renaissance and playe a huge part in the political development. The family also had paid people to paint pictures for them in the Renaissance.
  • Period: May 7, 1400 to

    Education (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)

    In the Renaissance between 1400 to 1600 the most things they focused on with education was reading, writing and math. This was mostly just for upper-class boys and nobody else but occasionally if a younger poor boy was talented he could attend to these classes. As they got older the would either go out and find jobs or some would continue their education at a school. (Life During the Renaissance)
  • Sep 3, 1400

    Pilgrimages (The Catholic Church)

    Pilgrimages (The Catholic Church)
    The pilgrimages were taken for granted in the 1400s by showing their faith to God. Pilgrims during the Renaissance were very poor compared to how they used to be. They often had to move away to go find things to help them live off of.
  • Aug 8, 1405

    City of Ladies (Literary Works)

    City of Ladies (Literary Works)
    The book of City of Ladies is written by Christine de Pizan in 1405. This book is one of her most famous works that she has done during the Renaissance. This is about how women argued that they are just as intelligent as guys are and they can be whatever the guys want to be, and that the women should get the same opportunity as the men do. This is something that a lot of women had argued about in the Renaissance. (Artistic Movements Of the Renaissance)
  • Jan 30, 1465

    The Divine Comedy (Literary Works)

    The Divine Comedy  (Literary Works)
    A poem called The Divine Comedy written in the early Renaissance in 1465 by Dante. This is a poem about him taking a journey through hell, purgatory and paradise. While more people started to read the poem, there have been many illustrations that went along with how the poem is. (Artistic Movements Of the Renaissance)
  • Aug 5, 1473

    Santa Maria Della Neve (Patrons of the Arts)

    Santa Maria Della Neve (Patrons of the Arts)
    This drawing was commissioned for Santa Maria Della Neve by Leonardo Da Vinci in August 5, 1473. This painting was one of the first drawings known by him. This was also one the earlists landscaped pictures painted in the Renaissance.
  • Feb 4, 1498

    The Last Supper (Renaissance Art/Artist)

    The Last Supper (Renaissance Art/Artist)
    The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the late 15th century. This painting was created from 1495-1498 and is one of the most recognized paintings around. This and the Mona Lisa was his two famous paintings.
  • May 5, 1500

    Relics (The Catholic Church)

    Relics (The Catholic Church)
    Most of the people during the Renaissance thought that the relics were “fake” in the 1500s but the people had to realize that they saw religion a different way than most others did. MOst people had bought these relics because they thought it would make them spend less time in purgatory after they die. Most people also both these because it showed that they value God more.
  • Jun 2, 1503

    Mona Lisa (Renaissance Art/Artist)

    Mona Lisa (Renaissance Art/Artist)
    The Mona Lisa was painted by the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci in 1503. This painting was seen to bring people together for activities and other things that had went on. This painting also shows that she is looking directly straight; right at you and this was something that usually didn’t happen.
  • May 22, 1511

    School of Athens (Renaissance Art/Artist)

    School of Athens (Renaissance Art/Artist)
    The painting ‘School of Athens’ was painted by the famous Renaissance artist, Raphael. The painting was painted between the years of 1509-1511. This involves with the Renaissance because it focuses more on the worldly matter that is going on rather than the spiritual.
  • Jan 1, 1512

    Michelangelo (Renaissance Art/Artist)

    Michelangelo (Renaissance Art/Artist)
    Michelangelo was known as one of the most famous Italian sculpture, architect, and painter in the Renaissance. His work was seen for having a different blend of stuff that people have not seen before. His best work in the Renaissance would be the Sistine Chapel that ceiling that was painted in the year of 1512.
  • Dec 20, 1514

    Raphael (Renaissance Art/Artist)

    Raphael (Renaissance Art/Artist)
    Raphael was an Italian Painter and an architect of the high renaissance. He was admired for his visual achievement from how his paintings were painted. Raphael was known for his famous oil painting the ‘Sistine Madonna’ that was painted in 1514. He is also best known for his “Madonna” paintings and the ‘Sistine Madonna’ was one of the favorites.
  • Aug 28, 1517

    Indulgence (The Catholic Church)

    Indulgence (The Catholic Church)
    The Catholic Church wanted many people to buy an indulgence during the Renaissance in 1517. The indulgence was used to lower the punishment someone has owed for their sins. It was said that if you bought an indulgence for a loved one they would go to heaven and not burn in hell.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 theses (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation)

    95 theses (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation)
    On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther had wrote the 95 theses and nailed them up against the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church. As the theses started to get around in Germany, it made its way to Rome. The Cardinal did not agree with Martin for what he was doing and was getting angry with him and soon Martin had to return to Wittenberg because of the recant.
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Excommunicated (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation)

    Excommunicated (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation)
    On January 3, 1521 was when Martin Luther had gotten excommunicated by Pope Leo X. The main reason he got excommunicated was because of his belief, the Pope did not like what Martin was saying how he believed in the church. The Pope had given luther 60 days to recant and if he didn’t he would get excommunicated.
  • Nov 4, 1543

    Heliocentric Solar System (Scientific Discoveries)

    Heliocentric Solar System (Scientific Discoveries)
    One of the Scientific Discoveries in the Renaissance is the Heliocentric Solar System. The creator of the Solar System is Nicolaus Copernicus in the year of 1543. In the Renaissance, everyone thought it was a joke, but after he had died they soon figured out he was actually right. All the people in the Renaissance thought that all the planets had rotated around the earth which actually is around the sun. (New Ideas and Inventions smore)
  • Dec 26, 1546

    Bible (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation)

    Bible (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation)
    Martin Luther had translated the Bible into German in 1546 during the Renaissance so more people can understand what the bible is saying. Most of the people couldn’t read the bible and Martin wanted to change that so they know what the bible says. He started the bible in 1522 and ended in 1543.
  • Nov 6, 1574

    Clothing (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)

    Clothing (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)
    In 1574 the Renaissance also had different types of clothing that they would wear that showed how much power and wealth they had. The wealthy would have many different outfits and in different colors while the peasants would only have about 1-2 outfits. The men would wear long tights in different colors with a shirt and coat over it. The women wore a long dress with big sleeves and would most likely be wearing expensive jewelry. (Life During the Renaissance)
  • Flush Toilet (Inventions)

    Flush Toilet (Inventions)
    The flush toilet was originally invented by Thomas Crapper in 1596. This was first flush toilet was used in the Renaissance by the Queen. The toilets were flushed by dumping a bucket of water onto it and throwing it out the window of the bathroom. (New Ideas and Inventions)
  • Divisions (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)

    Divisions (Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance)
    The Townspeople have about 7-13% of a population of people in the 1600s. There is four divisions that the people fit into and that is the Patricians, Burghers, Workers and the Unemployed. The Patricians did most of the banking and industry, the Burghers were the skilled workers that was the shopkeepers and guild masters, and the workers were the people that kept the other divisions in line and running. (Life During the Renaissance)
  • Telescope (Scientific Discoveries)

    Telescope (Scientific Discoveries)
    One of Galileo’s best discoveries would be the telescope in 1609. There was another scientist that had discovered it before Galileo but Galileo’s had a lot more improvement than the the other scientists. In 1609 was when he discovered about the eyepiece and kept working on it till he could see other objects closer. He then put all of his work into the telescope and could see spots up in space.
  • Scientific Method (Scientific Discoveries)

    Scientific Method (Scientific Discoveries)
    Francis Bacon is an english Renaissance philosopher and known for the scientific method. He believed that science is better and more improving than humankind. Francis thinks that his discoveries will change how the earth and humankind is. It was not until 1620 when he started to discover about the scientific method and started doing more research on it.
  • Matches (Inventions)

    Matches (Inventions)
    One of the Renaissance inventions was the match, this was invented in 1680 by the help of Robert Boyle who discovered out that if the wooden stick was covered with sulfur it would help bring flames. The Match helped throughout the Renaissance with many different things. This helped out by being able to light candles a lot faster than taking awhile to try and light a candle a different way. (New Ideas and Inventions)