Renaissance & Reformation

  • 1288

    Firearms / Invention

    The first firearm was made in the renaissance by Peter Peck. It began a new era of hunting and defense for the people. it was a simple gunpowder filled weapon.
  • 1300

    Mechanical Clock / Invention

    Mechanical Clock / Invention
    Galileo Galilei invented the mechanical clock out of gears and metal. It kept a pretty good measurement of 24 hours and was reliable. The clock was quite a bit smaller than its previous form and would be able to sit on a table.
  • Period: 1300 to


    Most markets in the renaissance consisted of art being sold and held onto for investment. A common trade was for a self painting of yourself or a family. These were held for the wealthiest of people.
  • Period: 1300 to


    In the renaissance, architects became more artistic in their construction of housing. They founded new domes and circular tops of houses. Lots of mansions and castles started using arches and roman columns.
  • Period: 1300 to


    Renaissance was a period still not introduced to hunting with firearms. Hunters still used bows and spears. A rare and valuable animal product was whale tongue. Whaling was a popular hunting sport and produced a lot of fatty meat.
  • 1301

    Papal Schisms / The Catholic Church

    The pope's power eventually overgrew in the kings. The king attempted to tax the French clergy. In retaliation, the pope excommunicated the king. For doing so the pope was imprisoned and later released.
  • 1310

    Giotto / artists

    Giotto was a famous painter and architect in the late middle ages. He worked on gothic/proto-renaissance paintings. He has decorated and designed several chapels for people.
  • 1377

    Three Popes / The Catholic Church

    The Next six elected popes still lived in Avignon. Pope Gregory decided to move the papacy back to Rome. When he died, The cardinals chose a different pope then the one elected . this one remained in Avignon and after a while, another council elected a third one.
  • 1395

    Donatello / Artists

    Donatello was an artist mostly known for sculptures. His sculptures were given a lot of detail and were given emotions and human resemblance. He had a lot of commissions for his work around his 20's and grew in fame
  • 1405

    The Book of ladies / Literary works

    It was a book written by a woman in protest for women's rights. it explained how a town or organization would be just as capable if it was all run by women.
  • 1440

    Cosimo de' medici / patron of the arts

    Medici was a powerful rich man that invested in several banks and markets. With his great wealth, he hired architects and artists to build his Medici palace. He has also on several occasions hired painters like Michaelangelo and Donatello to paint for him.
  • 1440

    The printing press / Scientific discoveries

    The printing press was a very important invention in the renaissance. It would allow for the making of whole books in a very sped up fashion. it would replace the need for books to be handwritten by people for days.
  • 1492

    Lorenzo Medici / Patron of the arts

    He was the grandson of Cosimo Medici. He took over most of the power of his grandfather and ruled parts of Italy without being in the government. he as well has hired Michelangelo and became a pretty good poet himself.
  • 1500

    Michelangelo / Artists

    Michelangelo was an artist, sculpture, and even an architect. he is well known for several works of art for Medici and famed sculptures of the David. He also worked on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
  • 1500

    Lutheranism / Martin Luther Protestant Reformation

    Luther's followers finally all come together and spread his teachings into a church of their own. They rejected the ideas of the church and its hierarchy. this new church started several wars and battles with the catholic church
  • 1510

    Titian / Artists

    Titian is an Italian painter who came from a Venetian school. He strived for perfect human beauty and wanted his paintings to look lifelike. He is mostly known for his Nude Venus paintings.
  • 1511

    Raphael / Artists

    Raphael was a famous Italian artist that was known for high classism. He was known for his several works on the Madonnas. In later days he painted the fresco cycle for the Vatican
  • 1515

    Protestant Teachings / Martin Luther Protestant Reformation

    Martin Speaks about how the bible is the only source of truth. He describes the need for people to understand the bible themselves. the only way to heaven is through the faith of christ and believing in him
  • 1516

    Utopia / Literary Works

    It was written by Thomas More and discussed socio-political satire. The book consisted of a fictional island with its own society and religious status. The book was written in Latin and related to life in monasteries.
  • 1517

    The 95 theses / Martin Luther Pre-Reformation

    The 95 theses were written by Martin Luther In protest of the church's ideas. The ideas written in the 95 theses were against the churches and led to conflict. He describes how love and good well being would lead to the gates of heaven
  • 1567

    Indulgences / The catholic church

    They were pieces of paper that would have authority by the pope to allow you to get out of purgatory. They would cost money and the funds would go to the making of Saint Peters Basilica. They were very corrupt in selling these because nowhere in the bible does it say the selling of indulgences would bring you closer to heaven
  • The Parachute / Invention

    It was first brought to life by Leonardo Da Vinci and was tested by Fausto Verano. It was by a cloth sheet raped cone held by ropes attached to the person. they have now become a lot safer and usable.
  • Romeo and Juliet / Literary works

    Romeo and Juliet was a popular play written by Shakespeare in the renaissance. It is one of the most performed plays from Shakespeare. It was a tragedy play and used a lot of new techniques to make a better plot and characters
  • The scientific method / Scientific discoveries

    The scientific method was made by Francis Bacon. It was a set of rules and guidelines on how to conduct a scientific experiment and do it factually. It was originally thought of by Muslim scholars
  • Thermometer / Scientific Discoveries

    Galileo was responsible for bringing the thermometer to life. It would be used to measure heat with a water-based design. The tool had bubbles that would float and a weight that would drop at a certain temperature.