Renaissance Reformation

By emicoss
  • 1320

    Literary works- The divine comedy

    Literary works- The divine comedy
    The divine comedy is a story about a soul trying to make its way to salvation. He goes through all of the places that it talks about people going to in the bible, he experiences them all. He goes through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. The name "comedy" doesn't have anything to do with being funny, it has to deal with their being a positive ending. -Artistic movements of the renaissance
  • 1343

    The Catholic church- Indulgences

    The Catholic church- Indulgences
    Indulgences were something you could buy to try and get yourself out of sin. If you buy a special indulgence you can pay for others to get out of purgatory faster, or yourself. The Catholic Church made a bunch of money off of indulgences and used this money to pay for things in the church. Luther thinks that buying an indulgence is useless and should be based on faith.
  • 1364

    Scientific discovery- Fire arms

    Scientific discovery- Fire arms
    A fire arm works when you pull the trigger it causes a firing pin to hit the primer. This ignites the gunpowder and it creates pressure which shoots the bullet down and out of the barrel. Firearms were used in the renaissance for hunting more than fighting, and it made hunting much easier. -
    - New ideas & inventions google doc
  • 1389

    Cosimo da Medici- Patron of the arts

    Cosimo da Medici- Patron of the arts
    Cosimo da Medici was known for his family business and helping many artists with their painting career. Cosimo liked to spend money more than he liked to save it, so he decided to go into the Patrons of art. Cosimo Medici has two people he was mainly involved with and it was Donatello and Fra Angelico. He would donate money and support to these people. Cosimo was born in 1389. -
  • 1392

    Literary works- Canterbury tales

    Literary works- Canterbury tales
    The Canterbury tales are a collection of stories that were told by pilgrims. They told these stories on their way to Canterbury, England to see St. Thomas Beckett's tomb. St. Thomas was murdered over an argument about the church.
    • Artistic movement of the renaissance google slide
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Daily life- Trade

    Trade was a big influence during the renaissance. It got a mixture of goods and new things to the renaissance that people had never seen before. The big trade centers were Florence, Venice, and East Asia. Some new imports were sweet potatoes and turkey.
    • Life during the renaissance google slide
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Daily life- Food

    Peasants food consisted of soup or left over scraps from the upper classes. The soup was made of vegetables or if you got mush it was grains. On the other hand Merchants and Nobles have large feasts with a wide variety of foods. There was soup and broth with a variety of spices, and there was some sort of large meat. At festivals there is normally a large bird.
    • Life during the renaissance google slide
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Daily life- Family

    In the family life, marriages were arranged. They wanted the best fit for their children, and the wealthier the family the better. The children would only be about 2 or 3 when their families would start making arrangements for their future. The bride's family would have to give something, called Dowries, to the groom's family and this was money. -Life during the renaissance google slide
  • 1405

    Literary works- The book of the city of ladies

    Literary works- The book of the city of ladies
    This book argued the statement that men are smarter than women. In the book it says that women could be just as smart as men if they were given the same amount of schooling and opportunities. It also talks about the amazing things that women have done through but never get recognized for. -
    -Artistic movements of the renaissance google slide
  • 1413


    Donatello studied the statues and sculptures that were made by the Greeks and Romans. He was known for his realistic sculptures of people. He made a very realistic standing sculpture of Saint George. He created this sculpture in 1413. -
    -Artistic movements of the renaissance google slide
  • 1440

    Invention- Printing Press

    Invention- Printing Press
    The printing press was a machine that would copy the work that was already done and putting it onto a new piece of paper. This was less time consuming then having to rewrite ever single time you wanted another copy of something. This helped during the reformation when Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses, they got spread around very quickly so everyone could read it.
  • 1446

    Filippo Brunelleschi

    Filippo Brunelleschi
    Filippo was an architect and his work was inspired by the old style buildings of Rome. One of his famous designs was the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence. This was based off of his new skill of learning how to make a dome. -Artistic movements of the renaissance google slide
  • 1449

    Lorenzo Medici- Patron of the arts

    Lorenzo Medici- Patron of the arts
    Lorenzo Medici was a huge part in helping many artists, by financially supporting them and making sure they can continue their painting career. There were many famous people who he helped inclusding Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Leonardo da Vinci in return, painted a beautiful fresco out of gratitude. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1449.
  • 1483


    Raphael was admired for his pictures of the Virgin Mary. His pictures were know for their beauty, no one else could depict how his pictures looked. He painted frescoes in the Vatican Palace, which is where the Pope stays. Raphael was born in 1483. -Artistic movements of the renaissance google slides
  • 1483

    Martin Luther- Born

    Martin Luther- Born
    Martin Luther was born in 1483 in Germany. He was caught in a violent lightning storm and he prayed that if he survived, that he would become a monk. His father was not happy about this but he did it anyways. He then lived in the town of Wittenberg where he taught and learned the ways of the church. He eventually went against the church and was excommunicated. He died in 1546.
    • Martin Luther and the Protestant reformation google slide
  • 1503

    Leonardo- The Mona Lisa

    Leonardo- The Mona Lisa
    Leonardo was known for having realistic paintings. He is well known for his painting of the Mona Lisa, and bringing beauty to the painting. Mona Lisa was seen to have set the standards for all portraits to come because of it's amazing quality. To better understand the human body, he would do dissections. He showed people a new standard of beauty. -Artistic movements of the renaissance google slide
  • 1508

    The Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel

    The Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel
    The frescoes in the Sistine chapel were painted by Michelangelo. Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to do this for him and he didn't want to but was bribed into it. So Michelangelo painted a bunch of naked people on it just to make the pope mad. This is one of the most famous Frescoes because of how good it was. -
    -Artistic movements of the renaissance google slide
  • 1508

    Scientific discovery- Heliocentric Solar System

    Scientific discovery- Heliocentric Solar System
    A major scientific discovery that happened during the renaissance is that people finally started to believe that the world doesn't revolve around the Earth. Some of his predictions about how the planets rotate around the sun in complete circles was, wrong but he had the right idea. His work helped to develop learning about the orbit of the planets. -
  • 1513

    The Catholic Church- Pope Leo X

    The Catholic Church- Pope Leo X
    Pope Leo was not a very good Pope. He spent a lot of the church's money for stuff that wasn't necessary. Selling of indulgences was something that was of his liking and he thought they were a good idea because of the money they raised. The people were tricked into buying indulgences and this was because he allowed it. He contributed to the dissolution of the Western Church. -
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther- 95 Theses

    Martin Luther- 95 Theses
    Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses onto the church door in Wittenberg. On this paper was all of the problems he had with the church and it's teachings. This was the start of Martin Luther going against the church and starting some of his own teachings. -
  • 1522

    Martin Luther- Bible

    Martin Luther- Bible
    Martin Luther translated the bible into German. While he was hidden away by himself for a long period of time he wanted everyone to be able to read the bible so he translated it into German. This was a big step because now everyone can read the bible and really understand what it means, and make their own interpretations of it and if they want to keep following the church. -
  • 1545

    The Catholic Church- The council of trent

    The Catholic Church- The council of trent
    The church was in fear that it would lose membership of people due to the reformation that Martin Luther caused. For the church to get people to continue to follow them they created a group called the Council of Trent. Anyone who didn't agree with the church could be excommunicated or charged for heresy.
  • Invention- Microscope

    Invention- Microscope
    The microscope is a device used to look at very small objects, that can't be broken down with the naked eye. The microscope has been used to make break through on cells and microorganisms. It benefited the renaissance by having our technology and medical skills advancing for the future. -New ideas and inventions google doc
  • Invention- The flush toilet

    Invention- The flush toilet
    The flush toilet was a bowl with an opening at the bottom and there were levers and valves that let the waste out. The waste would be pumped out of the house and most likely on the street. This invention helped during the renaissance to keep the towns cleaner, even though their still was feces on the streets. -New ideas and inventions google doc
  • Scientific discovery- Scientific Method

    Scientific discovery- Scientific Method
    The scientific method was created by Francis Bacon. The scientific method is a process of asking questions to explore observations. The scientific method consists of ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis, test with an experiment, does the procedure work, and draw conclusions. The creation of the scientific method helped influence many other inventors and their ideas. -