Oct 7, 1440
Gutenbergs printing press
in 1436 gutenberg was talking about making something that can help print thing and in 1440 he can out with the very first printing press -
Period: Jan 1, 1450 to
REnaissance,Reformation,and exploration
Aug 3, 1492
columbus lands in the Americas
Columbus sailed to the Americas in 1492 and landed in 1502. but he was not alone. when he got here there was already Natives -
May 20, 1498
Da Gamas voyage to India
Da Gama sailed to india in 1498. -
Oct 2, 1501
michelangelos david statue
michelangelo made davids statue in 1501-1504 . this statue is located in Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenz. -
Oct 7, 1503
Da Vinci Mona Lisa
the Mona was an oil painting on a wooden canvis. it was painted some where in between 1503,1506. not only did Da Vinci pain he also did many other things. -
Oct 7, 1504
cortes conqueurs the Aztecs
Cortes was fasinated my columbus and he wanted to do the same so when he was 19 he sailed to mexico and he killed the majority of the Aztecs -
Oct 31, 1517
Luthers 95 theses
luther wrote his 95 these in 1517on october 31 -
Oct 7, 1545
council of trent
the concil of tent was a very inportant chruch -
Apr 23, 1564
Shakspeare born
shakespeare was bor in april 1564. he was born in strartford-upon-avon.