renaissance, reformation, and exploration

  • Sep 18, 1440

    gutenbergs printing press

    johannes gutenberg made the printing press. the printing press copys papers so people can make newspapers.this happened sep 18 1440. this is important because if he didnt make it then we wouldnt have newspapers.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    columbus lands in the americas

    columbus lands in the americas
    christopher columbus. exploring america. he explored america on october 12 1492. america. he is important because he found america for spain.
  • May 20, 1498

    da gamas voyage to india

    da gamas voyage to india
    Da Gama. Gama explored on a mission to reach india and open a sea route for europe to the east. he explored on the date of may 20, 1498
  • Jan 13, 1504

    michelangelo's david statue

    michelangelo's david statue
    michelangelo. bulid the david staute. built the staute on january 13 1504. italy. he built it to show that david was powerful, thats why he bulit it 14 feet tall.
  • Aug 4, 1505

    da vincis mona lisa

    da vincis mona lisa
    da vinchi made the mona lisa. da vinchi made this art on augest 4 1505. this is important because it was the most famous art piecse that da vinchi made
  • Feb 6, 1513

    machiavelli writes the prince

    machiavelli wrote to the prince. he wrote about wanting to be wioth the government. i could not find a date. he sent this to the prince. becuase he wanted to be more than just a citizian
  • Oct 31, 1517

    luthers 95 theses

    luthers 95 theses
    martin luther. made a list of questions and propostions for debate. this happened october 31 of the year of 1517. took place in rome. becuase luther gave a print out of the bible to people.
  • Dec 13, 1545

    council of trent

    council of trent
    council of trent. the council held a hearing to respond to the Protestant Reformation. december 13, 1545. italy. becuase they responed to the trial/question
  • Apr 23, 1564

    shakespeare born

    shakespeare born
    shakespeare. he was born. april 23 of the year of 1564. born in stratford. this is important becuase he is the guy who made romeo and juliet
  • cortez conquers the aztecs

    harnado cortez. he counquered the aztecs for land. he did this on the date of 27 of febuary 1997. this is important because now we know what happened to the aztecs.