Oct 21, 1439
Gutenberg's Printing press
Johannes Gutenburg was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, and printer, He is known for inventing the movabletypre printing press -
Period: Jan 1, 1450 to
Renaissance, Reformation, and Exploration
Dec 23, 1460
Da Gama's voyage to India
He was the first European to reach india by sea, making a link between europe and asia for the very fisrt time by ocean route.
His discorvery was significant and opened a way for global imperialism and for the Portuguese to establish a long lasting colonial empire in Asia -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus lands in the Americas
Columbus sightsed land and came ashore the same day, claiming it for spain. later he sighted cuba, and thought it was mainland China, in December the expidition landed in hispaniola, which columbus thought might be Japan. he established a small colony. he returned to Spain iwht gold, spices, and "indian" captives -
Aug 4, 1501
Michelangelo's David Statue
When michelangelo returned to Florence, he was asked to scuplt what would become: David, He was given a block of damaged marble 19 feet tall, and worked for three years -
Oct 21, 1503
Da vinci's Mona
The Mona Lisa is claimed as the best known, and the most visited art work in the world. It was given the King Francis and is now the property of the french republic -
Oct 31, 1517
Luther's 95 These's
The 95 these's on the power and efficacy of indulgences were widely regared as the initial catalyst for the protesant reformation.
The 95 these's questioned the catholic church's practice for selling indulgences and viewed them skeptically. -
Aug 13, 1521
Cortex conquers the Aztecs
it is significant because Cortez had never commanded men in battle before. however there was a whole bunch of spaniards who participated in the expiditions in the caribbean. -
Jun 17, 1532
Machiavelli writes The Prince
Machiavelli' The Prince was published five years after his dead, Writen during the European Renaissance. he wrote the book to achieve a position in the New italian government. -
Dec 13, 1545
Council of Trent
It was highly important for its sweeping decrees on self-reform and for its dogmatic definitions. The council played a vital role in revitalizing the roman chatholic church in many parts of europe -
Apr 26, 1564
William Shakespeare
Williakm Shakepeare is know for being the greatest dramatist of all time. little is known of his actualy birthdate, but the day he was baptized