Timeline picture

Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Discovery

  • Oct 17, 1415

    John Hus was burned at the take for being a heretic

    John Hus was burned at the take for being a heretic
    Had religious thoughts similar to Wycliffe. Believed that the Bible had the highest religious authority. Burned at the stake for being heretic in 1415.
  • Oct 17, 1439

    Johannes Guttenburg invented the printing press

    Johannes Guttenburg invented the printing press
    The invention of the printing press improved literacy rates, due to the gateway of opportunities it opened.
  • Oct 17, 1492

    Christopher Columbus was sponsored by Queen Isabella to sail to westward Asia.

    Christopher Columbus was sponsored by Queen Isabella to sail to westward Asia.
    Sailor who attepted to sail to India, however, landed in the Americas. He named the natives "Indians" , as they are called today. He tried to get others to sponsor his journey, yet Isabella and her husband were the first to take him seriously.
  • Oct 17, 1495

    Leonardo Davinci painted the Last Supper

    Leonardo Davinci painted the Last Supper
    He began to paint this in 1495, and finished 3 years later. It is a picture of Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples. No speciic date was given for when he created this, merely the year.
  • Oct 17, 1499

    Michealangelo sculpted the "Pieta"

    Michealangelo sculpted the "Pieta"
    Michealangelo was an artist from the Reformantion era. This artwork is on of his most famous creations. Mary is shown holding Jesus after his crucifixion. Known to be the only piece he has ever signed.
  • Oct 16, 1517

    Ferdinand Magellan began circumnavigates the globe

    Ferdinand Magellan began circumnavigates the globe
    On September 20th, 1519, Ferdinand Magellan set sail to circumnavigate the world. Charles V permitted this.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther nailed 95 Thesis to a church door

    Martin Luther nailed 95 Thesis to a church door
    Rebelling against the Pope, Martin Luther nailed his "95 Thesis" , to a church door.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Hernando Cortez and his frces overthrew the Aztec Empire

    Hernando Cortez and his frces overthrew the Aztec Empire
    Conquered the Aztecs in Mexico,it wasn't difivult for him.
  • Oct 17, 1535

    John Calvin developed the idea of predestinantion

    John Calvin developed the idea of predestinantion
    John Calin (who influenced Calvinism", believed that we were predetermined wether we would go to Heaven or Hell, before we were even born.
  • Oct 17, 1541

    Jacques Cartier explored the St Lawrence River to Montreal for France

    Jacques Cartier explored the St Lawrence River to Montreal for France
    He left France to explore the nothern Americas. He discovered uebec in 1541.
  • Jun 28, 1547

    Henry VIII broke fro the Church in Rome and divorced hs wife

    Henry VIII broke fro the Church in Rome and divorced hs wife
    Born on June 28th, 1491, and dying on January 28th, 1547, he was at one point the king of England. He broke from the Church of Rome, and created the Anglican Church. He is reknowned for having 6 wives.
  • Jun 29, 1580

    Sir Francis Drake defeated the Spanish Armada

    Sir Francis Drake defeated the Spanish Armada
    During late 1580's, the Spansh Armada was considered invincible. The Spanish attempted to invade England, however they were defeated by Elizabeth I, and Sir Francis Drake.
  • Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes

    Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes
    Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes to give more religious power the Huguenots. During this time, France was primarily Catholic.This was a huge factor to why the Edict was created.
  • Elizabeth I became head of the Anglican Church

    Elizabeth I became head of the Anglican Church
    Strongly believed in expansion. Helped defeat the Spanish Armada.
  • Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years War

    Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years War
    Cardinal Richelieu entered France into the 30 Years War. France teamed with the Protestants against other Catholics.
  • Paper was invented by the Chinese

    Paper was invented by the Chinese
    Paper was invented by the Chinese, specifically Cai Lun, a palace attendant. His formula contributed to the creation of several other items.
    He discovered the prcess in 92 AD.
  • Slaves were shipped along the Middle Passage of Triangular Trade

    Slaves were shipped along the Middle Passage of Triangular Trade
    In the Triangular Trade, the English brought slaves from Afrca, into the Americas.
  • Muhammad began the Islamic Religion

    Muhammad began the Islamic Religion
    Muhammand was believed to be the last prophet sent by God. He began the Islamic Religion.