Renaissance & Reformation

  • 1350

    Culture of the Renaissance

    Culture of the Renaissance
    Renaissance Humanism was on of the teachings in the Renaissance. The key part of the Renaissance Humanism was the study of old texts to alter the way of thinking. Killing off the mindset of the medieval times and creating a new mindset. Greek and Roman texts were the most commonly read in Renaissance Humanism. People wanted to read more classic texts or works of art, so they made the Renaissance Humanism.
  • 1417

    literary works

    literary works
    Literary works can be anything from Theses to poems. Luther's 95 theses is a literary work, 95 things wrong with the Catholic church. It is one of the most famous pieces of literacy works from any time period. Even the indulgences would be a piece of literacy.
  • 1419

    Patrons of the Arts

    Patrons of the Arts
    The Medici family was a family of bankers. Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici was the first Patrons of the arts in the family. The Medici's were responsible for most of the art in Florence. Mr. Giovanni helped with the reconstruction of the Basilica in Florence.
  • 1440


    the printing press would be one of those inventions that couldn't be lived without. It helped making books a lot easier. The printing press would have changed everything, people didn't have to make books the old fashioned way, with just hands. Now people can make books faster and with less labor. Johannes Gutenburg invented the printing press.
  • 1453

    Rebirth and Rediscover

    Rebirth and Rediscover
    On the cultural side of things, Constantinople fell to the Turks during the Renaissance. The fall of Constantinople led to Italy being exposed to attackers. Attackers being the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman empire also unintentionally helped Italy and the European nations by causing them to search for new trade routes which led to more exploration being done.
  • 1453


    The fall of Constantinople led to some available Greek knowledge. With the Greek knowledge there was a better understanding of the Greek language and philosophy. Constantinople was a powerful military state, with the Ottoman taking over Europe, they took Constantinople too. The Ottoman empire blocked people from claiming it back. The siege of Constantinople had many dead along with the emperor.
  • 1475

    Michelangelo Buonarroti

    Michelangelo Buonarroti
    Michelangelo worked for many of the Medici's. One was Lorenzo the magnificent, he was fond of Michelangelo. Lorenzo invited Michelangelo to study many of the Medici's arts and sculptures. Lorenzo was an artist and was also a patron of Leonardo da vinci.
  • 1483


    The parachute was made by Leonardo Da Vinci, the same guy who invented the flying machine. Da vinci made the designs but no one made one until 1748. Da vinci is credited for a lot of things that we use today. The parachute is used to float you or something down to the ground safely by using friction, weight, and mass.
  • 1485

    Flying Machine

    Flying Machine
    Leonardo Da vinci was great for many things, even creating things way beyond his time. The parachute invention wasn't as crazy as the flying machine invention. Da vinci made the designs for many machines, even a medium sized wooden tank. The flying machine would evolve into what we know today, the airplane or plane. It would have been one of the best inventions by Leonardo Da Vinci that is used today.
  • 1503

    Some of the Renaissance Arts/Artists

    Some of the Renaissance Arts/Artists
    A famous artist of the Renaissance would be Leonardo Da Vinci. Milan had been invaded by the French, the Sforza family escaped along with Da Vinci. He escaped to Venice then to Florence. Leonardo painting many paintings during this time like his most famous "Mona Lisa", also known as "La Giocanda"
  • 1508

    Sistine Chapel Ceiling Painting

    Sistine Chapel Ceiling Painting
    The chapel was built in 1479 for Pope Sixtus IV. The chapel ceiling was originally painted blue with some stars. The walls of the chapel were done by different artists. 1508, pope Julius II hired Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the chapel. The ceiling has different scenes from the old testament. The creation of the world, and Noah and the flood.
  • 1510

    The Virgin and Child St Anne

    The Virgin and Child St Anne
    It seems that most famous art are either by Raphael, Leonardo, or Michelangelo. This is by Leonardo. Showing Saint Anne with her daughter, the virgin Mary, the virgin Mary also restraining her son. Was meant to be an altar piece for the church of Santissima Annunziata in Florence. Leonardo explored the topic of the virgin Mary with her child in many early sketches but abandoned them in 1498.
  • 1512

    The Creation of Adam

    The Creation of Adam
    This was one of the scenes on the sistine chapel. The left side is Adam and the right is God. This was one of the scenes that had the most detail. God created Adam from nothing but the Earth. The story of how God created Adam isn't fully shown in Renaissance art. Michelangelo had also painted a human brain on the right side where God is and can be faintly seen, probably done of purpose.
  • 1513

    The Sistine Madonna

    The Sistine Madonna
    One of Raphael's most famous paintings. Was requested by Pope Julius II. Piacenza had joined the Papel states, so the pope commissioned a new painting called "The Sistine Madonna." was ordered to be for the monastery church of San Sisto. Raphael completed the painting by the popes death in 1513. One of the most famous Renaissance paintings. It shows a woman holding a child while a woman is looking at the angel children.
  • 1517


    Buy your way out of Hell, with just a piece of paper. John Tetzel, a monk, he sold his indulgences in Germany for Albert of Hohenzollern and Pope Leo the 10th. This makes Martin Luther mad, then he writes his 95 theses. Luther states (in the movie "Luther") that the indulgence was just a piece of paper when the lady with her disabled child bought one with the only money she had. The indulgences had no real value. (Source: movie Luther and Luther and the Protestant reformation.)
  • 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Before the Reformation of the Catholic Church, Martin Luther had made everything he thought was wrong with the church into a ninety-five theses. Luther believed in his own salvation, his own salvation being God himself. Follow God no matter what and you will earn your way into Heaven, which is the opposite of what the church was doing. Luther made an effort to stop the church and their corrupt ways. (Source: Reformation unit assignment.)
  • 1522

    The Bible

    The Bible
    Luther translated the bible from Latin to German which would help thousands of people. Luther wanted people to read the bible for themselves and not have someone else read it to them. Luther wanted people to discover God for themselves. No one translated the bible into other languages because there wasn't a need to or they just didn't have a person to translate it to that specific languages.
  • 1530

    The Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church
    Before the Reformation, the church was corrupted. Selling offices and jobs just because they can. The church sold indulgences so that the buyer could get themselves or someone else out of Hell. No purgatory, go straight to Heaven. They do corrupt practices of Simony as well. Luther puts all this to shame with his 95 theses. Source: "Martin Luther and the protestant reformation assignment."
  • 1530

    Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    Geradus Mercator invited better map making. Better map making means all out exploration and better maps for people to use. In order to make maps, people have to explore the area they are mapping or trying to map. Geradus revolutionized map making for the better. New versions of old maps can be made as well.
  • 1537

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Aside from the 95 theses, he had made some books and also rewrote the bible into German, into German from Latin. Luther was put on a little trial, whether he'd recant or not. He could not recant or couldn't recant all of his works and books. (Source: "Luther.")
  • 1545

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    With the reformation of the Catholic Church came a counter-reformation. The Church tried to ignore Martin Luther but the thing that couldn't be ignored was Luther's works. Luther's works spread throughout Europe in a rapid pace. The only thing that challenges the church is Luther and his works, they appear as a threat to the Catholic church.
  • Microscope

    Zacharias Janssen makes the first compound microscope. Microscopes can be used to discover small things, things that we can't see with our eyes alone. Making the first compound microscope is a huge leap for scientific discoveries being made.
  • Venus and Adonis

    Venus and Adonis
    One of Shakespeare's most famous and first poems. Venus and Adonis was his first poem. A literacy work can be a poem as well. There were many people like Shakespeare, that made poems like he did. But this poem would start his poet career, he would go down in history along with his poems. The poem is about how Adonis is the first willing lover of Venus, but Venus rejects Adonis thus it being a dramatic love poem.
  • The First flush-able toilet

    The First flush-able toilet
    John Harrington described the first flush-able toilet in 1596. It was a great discovery for the time, this would change the world forever. A great discovery slowly reaching other parts of the world. Flush-able toilets were much needed during this time, which is why John described it. The description could have been a toilet that could get rid of the waste.
  • Thermometer

    Galileo Galilee invents or designs a thermometer. A great invention that would help tell the weather temperature or any temperature. It was a good invention for the time, revolutionary. Something that could tell how hot or cold something was. Would have helped with a lot of things that couldn't have been done before. It was made with glass and some liquid inside.
  • Upon a spider catching a fly

    Upon a spider catching a fly
    Edward Taylor made this poem about a spider catching a fly. "Should one shoot a web from one's self to catch a spider?" this poem is about just a spider trying to catch a fly while questioning why it is catching a fly in the way it does. This poems is one of Edward's bests.