Renaissance & Reformation

  • Feb 1, 1301

    Catholic Church-Papal Schism

    Catholic Church-Papal Schism
    This event took place involving the Papal Schism in 1301. The king attempted to tax the French clergy. Then, the pope intimidated him with excommunication for the king. Which resulted in being arrested but he was later let go. A lot of people felt that the French Kings were in charge of the Church. (Martin Luther and Reformation PP)
  • Feb 1, 1308

    Literary Works-The Divine Comedy

    Literary Works-The Divine Comedy
    The Divine Comedy is a poem about the soul's trip through salvation. It explains him going through a journey to Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Which happens to be imaginary but helps the mind learn more about movements during the Renaissance. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PP)
  • Feb 1, 1330

    Renaissance Artist-Giotto

    Renaissance Artist-Giotto
    Giotto came a little before the Renaissance but inspired art to live up to his paintings in the Renaissance. He was the first to paint a new style, showing real emotions in people and having great perspectives. (Art Reading & Review doc.)
  • Feb 1, 1345

    Literary Works-The Canterbury Tales

    Literary Works-The Canterbury Tales
    These tales were told by 29 pilgrims who were on their way to the tomb of St. Thomas Beckett in Canterbury, England. St. Thomas Beckett was the priest of Canterbury who was murdered. This was because of the arguments of the church. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PP)
  • Feb 1, 1377

    Catholic Church-Pope Gregory

    Catholic Church-Pope Gregory
    In 1377, Pope Gregory of the Catholic Church went back to Rome. The French Cardinals did not like the new pope in Rome after Gregory died. That made them decide on a new pope in Avignon. (Martin Luther and Reformation PP)
  • Feb 1, 1400

    Renaissance Art

    Renaissance Art
    This event comes from the new techniques happened for Renaissance painting. The credit goes to Frescos as he made the first masterpiece of the early Renaissance. The goal was to make the art more three-dimensional and realistic by being done on wet plaster. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PP)
  • Feb 1, 1405

    Literary Works-The Book of the City of Ladies

    Literary Works-The Book of the City of Ladies
    This event took place because women believed in having equal education ability as men. Christine de Pizan of France wrote about being just as intelligent and successful if they were given the same opportunities as men in The Book of the City of Ladies. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PP)
  • Feb 1, 1450

    Daily Life/Culture-Fashion & Clothing

    Daily Life/Culture-Fashion & Clothing
    This idea was very important to people in the Renaissance because it was a symbol for wealth and power. Peasants would have only owned 1-2 outfits when the wealthy would have several pieces of clothing with different colors and material. (Life During the Renaissance PP)
  • Feb 1, 1450

    Inventions-The Printing Press

    Inventions-The Printing Press
    Gutenberg's Printing Press was the reason the word spread to others about the Ninety Five Theses. It sped up the process and even opened up more thoughts about education and inventions.
  • Feb 1, 1490

    Renaissance Artist-Leonardo

    Renaissance Artist-Leonardo
    This painter took things to the next level. He dissected human bodies so he could have better knowledge of how they worked. Leonardo's goal was to make a human body look as realistic as possible in his paintings. 1490-1520 (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PP)
  • Period: Feb 1, 1490 to Feb 1, 1520

    High Renaissance Artist-Raphael

    Raphael was respected for his countless Madonnas. He was a High Renaissance artist because no one else could successfully reach the goal of beauty like Raphael could. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PP)
  • Feb 1, 1500

    Daily Life-Trade

    Daily Life-Trade
    Trade inspired several people during the Renaissance. It allowed a variety of goods to travel from place to place, such as, turkey and sweet potatoes. Examples of trade centers would be, Florence, Venice, and East Asia during this time. (Life During the Renaissance PP)
  • Feb 1, 1500

    Catholic Church-Indulgences

    Catholic Church-Indulgences
    The Catholic Church began selling indulgences in the 1500s to raise money for their church. This was the one of the main practices that Martin Luther went against. The advantages were, going directly to heaven, not going to hell and purgatory and getting through purgatory faster. (Martin Luther and Reformation PP)
  • Feb 1, 1505

    Martin Luther-Monk

    Martin Luther-Monk
    Caught up in a violent storm, Martin Luther became a monk since he pledged to God. Originally, his idea was to become a lawyer. (Martin Luther and Reformation PP)
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Renaissance Artist-Michelangelo

    Renaissance Artist-Michelangelo
    Art in the Renaissance was more of looking at perspective and being more realistic. Michelangelo did exactly that, making him known as one of the greatest artist and being considered a Renaissance Man. (Art Reading & Review doc.) 1508-1512
  • Feb 1, 1508

    Patrons of the Arts-Michelangelo

    Patrons of the Arts-Michelangelo
    The church was his biggest patron. His paintings covered the ceilings of Sistine Chapel, where new popes would be chosen. (Medici Reading & Review doc.)
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther-Ninety Five Theses

    Martin Luther-Ninety Five Theses
    Martin Luther nailed the Ninety Five Theses to the door of the cathedral in Wittenberg. He wanted everyone to see it. There was 95 arguments about the church on it. (Martin Luther and Reformation PP)
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Martin Luther-Excommunication

    Martin Luther-Excommunication
    Martin Luther was excommunicated from the church in 1521. Pope Leo X ordered him to renounce 41 of his Ninety-Five Theses. Of course, Martin Luther did not, so he was excommunicated. (Martin Luther and Reformation PP)
  • Feb 1, 1543

    Scientific Discoveries-Copernicus

    Scientific Discoveries-Copernicus
    The scientist, Copernicus, was the first to discover the heliocentric theory. He saw it as the sun being in the center instead of the earth. Copernicus saw many flaws in geocentric views.
  • Scientific Discoveries-Kepler

    Scientific Discoveries-Kepler
    Johannes Kepler is well known because of his discovery of the three laws of planetary. This theory still remains today as it did during the Renaissance to help the organization of the planets.
  • Inventions-Thermoscope

    Galileo invented the thermoscope during the Renaissance. It measured how materials that were different from each other reacted to heat. The thermoscope inspired people in the future to create the thermometer later on.
  • Invention-Telescope

    Galileo Galilei was the man who invented the telescope during the Renaissance. It made it much easier to look closer into objects.
  • Scientific Discoveries-Galileo

    Scientific Discoveries-Galileo
    During the Renaissance, Galileo used the Scientific Method. This meant it was helpful for controlling and identifying the rights or wrongs of his experiments. The Scientific Method makes questions and answers easier to understand.
  • Patrons of the Arts-Medici

    Patrons of the Arts-Medici
    The Medici were patrons who payed for artist and scientist. It was Cosimos's grandson, Lorenzo, who was very smart and a poet. He was a patron of Leonardo di Vinci. (Medici Reading & Review doc.)
  • Daily Life/Culture-Hurdy Gurdy

    Daily Life/Culture-Hurdy Gurdy
    This instrument was invented during this time period and nobles were supposed to know how to play one of the three that also came out at the same time. It's a stringed instrument with the melody played on a keyboard. To make the lovely sound, there is a wheel that rubs against the strings. Music and Dance was an important and fun part of the Renaissance. (Life During the Renaissance PP)