Renaissance & Reformation

  • Aug 26, 1397

    Giovanni de Medici

    Giovanni de Medici
    In 1397 a wealthy man by the name of Giovanni de Medici who was a banker at the Papal Court moved the Florence Italy. With him being such an influential citizen he had no choice but to participate in public life. He once held almost all political offices. After dying in 1429 he left all his money to his son Cosimo de Medici.
  • Dec 3, 1434

    Cosimo de Medici

    Cosimo de Medici
    By this time Cosimo de Medici has claimed power for his self and his family. He did this all while appearing in the democratic government. Although he wasn't like his father and kept a private life he still upheld power over Florence.
  • Jun 5, 1440


    Donatello has done a lot of work with sculptors and bronze. His most famous piece of work is called David which is a statue of a man holding a sword. It is the first large-scale free-standing statue. The artwork is based on the story David and Goliath.
  • Sep 13, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The Printing Press was invented in 1440. It was made to make copies of books or pages. Before the printing press they had to hand right everything (Chey Rae Smore)
  • Apr 2, 1503

    Leonardo de Vinci

    Leonardo de Vinci
    Leonardo de Vinci painted a lot of paintings but his most famous painting is the Mona Lisa. It is greatly known for the smile on her face. Some people think it is his friend Salai dressed in women clothes and others believe it is Lisa del Giocondo, a wife of a very wealthy Florentine silk merchant.
  • Feb 4, 1504


    His most famous work is named David just like Donatello. It is considered the most famous sculpture in the west. This statue represents the Biblical hero David after he fought Goliath.
  • Mar 5, 1511


    One of Raphael's works is the "School of Athens" This artwork shows a lot of people in one room with Plato and Aristotle in the middle. In the corner he included himself.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther Nailing Theses to the Door

    Luther Nailing Theses to the Door
    On this day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church. He didn't agree on how the Pope was allowing the indulgences to be sold.No where in the Bible did it say that you need an indulgence to get out of Purgatory and to go to Heaven.
  • Nov 9, 1518

    Luther in trouble for his writings

    Luther in trouble for his writings
    On this day the Pope said that his writings were going against the church. It took them over a year to look closer at them with one Pope saying they were heretic pieces, but the second pope said they were "scandalous and offensive to pious ears". In July of 1520, Pope Leo X sent out a Papal Bull(which is a decree) saying that he needs to go to Rome and recant or face excommunication.
  • Dec 2, 1518


    Titan is a not so famous painter but he has amazing ark works. His most famous artwork is called "Assumption of the Virgin". The assumption of the virgin is celebrated every August 15th and it's about raising Mary's body to heaven.
  • Jun 13, 1525

    Luther marries his wife

    Luther marries his wife
    On this day Martin Luther marries his wife. This is a big deal because since he is a priest he isn't allowed to have a wife or girlfriend. n top of that his wife is a runaway nun.
  • Dec 23, 1543

    Heliocentric Solar System

    Heliocentric Solar System
    The heliocentric solar system was a big deal. Before everyone believed that the Earth was the center of our solar system but Copernicus believed different. He believed that the sun was the center, not the Earth. At first, no one believed him and saw him as a crazy guy but after he died they figured out the sun was the center.
  • Jan 9, 1561

    Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    The scientific method was created to help scientists figure out what they needed. There are multiple steps to the process. Six to be exact. It wasn't created by one person but by a lot of different people. Some examples are Fransis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and Rene Descartes.
  • Flush Toilet

    Flush Toilet
    The flush toilet was invented by Thomas Crapper. Before the flush toilet, they use to just throw their feces and urine on the streets below. When everyone threw there poop and pee on the streets it made them stink really bad. (Morgan Maurer Smore)
  • The invention of match

    The invention of match
    The invention of matches was really big. Matches would help light a fire faster. The helped light candles so families could have light in their house. (Karlie Shult Smore)
  • Discovery of Gravity

    Discovery of Gravity
    Sir Isaac Newton was very good at math and physics. He made theories about how gravity works when he was 23. Twenty years later he presented the three laws of motion in the "Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis". SOme believe that hestarted studing gravity after an apple fell.