Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • 1095

    Catholic church

    Catholic church
    Pope Leo X began selling indulgences. The indulgences started a lot of corruption. It was supposed to help the person get through Purgatory faster.
  • 1309

    The Catholic church

    The Catholic church
    In 1309 the papacy was moved to France. In 1377 Pope Gregory XI moved the papacy back to Rome. (Martin Luther and Reformation)
  • 1320

    The Divine Comedy

    The Divine Comedy
    The Divine Comedy was written as a poem and it was written in 1320. It was to show the soul’s salvation to salvation in the Renaissance. It was written as if Dante was to go through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven also known as Paradise. Dante was in Italy when he first made the Poem.
  • 1364


    The first firearm was believed made in China around the 10th Century. China was known for making the first gunpowder for guns. The first gun to actually be used was in 1364 in Europe. On the first gun made there was a thing called a wheel lock so when you fired the gun the wheel lock would spark and be able to light up the gunpowder to allow a shot of gunpowder to go through.
  • 1400

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    1400 was when Frescos began his painting, with water-based paints. He was known for the best pieces in the early Renaissance. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance)
  • 1400

    Daily life/culture

    Daily life/culture
    Around 1400 music started becoming a big thing for the people. It became really popular for choirs to sing in Church. (Life During the Renaissance; )
  • 1400

    Daily life/culture

    Daily life/culture
    Dance in the Renaissance period was a big part of parties and festivals. A few of the main dances are the Reverence, Saltarello, Pavane, Italian Double or Doppio. (Life During the Renaissance, )
  • 1405

    The Book Of The City Of Ladies

    The Book Of The City Of Ladies
    The book was written by Christine De Pizan in France. The book was written in 1405. The book is based on how she thinks that women can be smarter and stronger than men. The only way she thought that was if they were to give the same education to men and women at the time. She wanted the same opportunities that the men were able to get.
  • 1420

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    The Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence was built and planned. Filippo was the person who designed the Basilica di San Lorenzo, he came up with the dome part. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance)
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    You would have a metal plate with the ink and lettering on there and then you would use your paper or cloth and set it on the ink and press the machine down and it would print onto the paper. The printing press is what made Luther's idea get around. Without it, he wouldn't be able to publish his works and everything everywhere. The printing press was first changed in 1816.
  • 1449

    Patrons of the arts

    Patrons of the arts
    The Medici family were patrons for many artists. Lorenzo Medici, Cosimo's grandson, was a patron to Leonardo da Vinci. (Medici Reading and Review)
  • 1450

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    Donatello started working on his statue of St. George. The statue took him 7 years because of all the detail on the statue. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance)
  • 1473

    Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    The creator of the scientific method would be Francis Bacon. He was the first one to understand the steps and out it in order. It was first made and put together in 1473. Francis had help from Gregor Johann Mendel to put it to use and switch it around for more people today to use it.
  • 1475

    Catholic church

    Catholic church
    Leo X was a pope while Martin Luther was around. He was a main part of the church and encouraged the church. (
  • 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was born in 1483. He died at the age of 63 in 1546. (Martin Luther and Reformation)
  • 1500

    Daily life/culture

    Daily life/culture
    In the early 1500's they began trading turkey and sweet potatoes. They traded these items from the Americas.
  • 1503

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    In 1503 Leonardo da Vinci created the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is a painting of Lisa Gherardini. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance)
  • 1503

    Patrons of the arts

    The church was a patron of Michelangelo. The church was a patron to him because he painted in the Sistine chapel. (Artistic Movement of the Renaissance)
  • 1504

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    The painting of the Virgin Mary getting married was painted. Raphael painted the Virgin Mary marrying St. Joseph. (
  • 1506

    Heliocentric Solar System

    Heliocentric Solar System
    The person to invent the heliocentric solar system is Aristarchus of Samos. It was invented in 1506. The person to bring the system into life use was Nicolaus Copernicus. The whole idea of this system is used to show that the sun is the center of the solar system.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses. The Theses were arguments against the church. (Martin Luther and Reformation)
  • 1521

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was excommunicated from the church. The reason why he was excommunicated was because of his 95 theses. (Martin Luther and Reformation)
  • 1578


    William Bourne made the ideas for the first submarine around 1578. The first actual working submarine was made around 1620-1624 by Cornelis Drebble. The first submarine was based on a rowboat with the paddles on the side to help guide the submarine. It was thought that the only change from a rowboat to the submarine was that there was a type of cap to close in the top over the boat.
  • Planets

    In 1610 there were 4 of Jupiter’s moons discovered. They all had a name Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa. The person to discover these was Galileo. These were the first to be identified to circle something different besides the sun.
  • The Canterbury Tales

    The Canterbury Tales
    The book was written in 1932. The Canterbury Tales was a book full of different stories that were told by 29 pilgrims. The 29 pilgrims were going to a tomb that was located at St. Thomas Beckett. The St. Thomas Beckett is located in Canterbury, England. It was known that St. Thomas was archbishop of canterbury. King Henry II murdered the archbishop after an argument about power.