Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • 1285

    Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    The eyeglasses were made to help people who can’t see be able to see. The people that played a role in inventing these Salvino D’Armate, Ben Franklin, The Roman Emperor Nero. The first glasses were made out of metal and bone. The lenses were made out of quartz because they could not make perfect lenses in the glass.
    Bess Vrchoticky invention eyeglasses
  • 1300

    The catholic church ( pre reformation )

     The catholic church ( pre reformation )
    The catholic church was different before Martin Luther came. In the church they had corruption. This meant that the church raised money through practices like simony and selling indulgences.
    1300-1570 CE
    Martin Luther and the protestant reformation notes
  • 1300

    The Catholic Church (pre reformation )

    The Catholic Church (pre reformation )
    Another issue with the Catholic church before the reformation was that the people felt that the French kings were controlling the church. They felt this way because of the ways above. But another reason they felt that the church was being controlled because Clement V, moved the headquarters of the Church from Rome to Avignon in southern France.
    1300-1570 CE
    Martin Luther and the protestant reformation notes
  • 1301

    The Catholic Church (pre reformation )

    The Catholic Church (pre reformation )
    The King tried to tax the French Clergy, in 1301. The pope also threatened to excommunicate and so was arrested. The pope was then released.
    Martin Luther and the protestant reformation notes
  • 1389

    Patron Of The Arts

    Patron Of The Arts
    Medici was a Patron of the Arts and it was said he was a poet. The Medici story began around the 12th century when family members from the Tuscan village of Cafaggiolo emigrated to Florance. But then Giovanni's elder son,Cosimo rose to political power in 1434 and ruled Florence as an uncrowned monarch for the rest of his life.This family was seen as the greatest bankers of their age.
    1389-1464 It wouldn't let me put both down in the box
  • 1400

    Renaissance Art or Artists

     Renaissance Art or Artists
    One artist is Frescos (Masaccio), he was Credited with the first masterpieces of the Early Renaissance (1400-1490). His first masterpiece was done on wet plaster with water-based paint, this gives the illusion of depth in the subjects.This is different because in the Middle Ages the subjects appeared flat. This led to a more realistic, three-dimensional style in future paintings.
    Notes (Artistic movements of the Renaissance)
  • 1400

    Renaissance Art or Artist

    Renaissance Art or Artist
    In the Renaissance new techniques were acquired for painting. Some of the new techniques were understanding the perspective. Another is organization of space and understanding distance between objects. They also learned about the movement and anatomy of human subjects.
    Notes (Artistic movements of the Renaissance)
  • 1400

    Daily Life/Culture of Renaissances

    Daily Life/Culture of Renaissances
    Daily life for peasants during the Renaissances was rough. Peasants during the Renaissances made up 85%-90% of the population. Peasants worked farmland and they got very poor wages. But an event happened called the Manorial system which made more peasants become legally free. This system became a real thing in the 1400s.
    The 1400s
    Notes( Life during the renaissances)
  • 1400

    Daily Life/Culture of Renaissances

    Daily Life/Culture of Renaissances
    Families during the Renaissances were obviously different than today. Families provided security, because of this marriages were carefully arranged to enhance ties to others in the community. Children would be as young as 2-3 years old when marriage arrangements were taking place. Dowies which was money given to the groom’s family by the bride’s family.
    The 1400s
    Notes ( Life during the renaissances)
  • 1400

    Daily Life/Culture of Renaissances

    Daily Life/Culture of Renaissances
    Daily life for men in the Renaissance was different than women's. The man of the house was seen as the “center of the family”. The Man of the house would do the finances and the wife had no say in the family’s wealth it was all the husband. The man made all the decisions that affected his wife and children. The man also had absolute authority over his children until he died or he formully freed them.
    Life During the Renaissance Notes
  • 1400

    Literacy Works

    Literacy Works
    The Divine Comedy was a literacy work. This poem tells about the soul’s journey to salvation. In this poem, he goes through the journey to Hell, purgatory, and heaven.
    Artistic Movements of the Renaissance notes
  • 1400

    Literacy Works

    Literacy Works
    The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories. These stories are told by 29 pilgrims. Going to the tomb of St Thomas Beckett in Canterbury, England. St.Thomas was an archbishop who was murdered by the followers of King Henry II. This murder happened after the argument over the power of the church.
    Artistic Movements of the Renaissance notes
  • 1400

    Literacy Works

    Literacy Works
    The book of the city of ladies was a unique book. This book argued that women would be just as successful and intelligent as men. They also thought that they deserved the same education as men got.
    Artistic Movements of the Renaissance notes
  • 1411

    Patron Of The Arts

    Patron Of The Arts
    Sforza was a ruling family of the Renaissance Italy, based in Milan. The Sforza family acquired the Duchy of Milan from the previously-ruling Visconti family in the mid- 15th century. Unfortunately, they lost it to the Spanish Habsburg about a century later.

    This family was founded in 1411
  • 1440


    The Printing press was an important invention that was very useful. Johannes Gutenberg is cited to be the inventor. The printing press spread literature to the masses for the first time in an efficient and durable way. It helped to spread ideas throughout Europe and beyond.
    Becky’s invention Printing press
  • 1490

    Renaissance Art or Artist

    Renaissance Art or Artist
    Michelangelo was known for dabbling in paintings, sculpting, and architecture. Michelangelo was credited for many works in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City also known as Rome. The most famous fresco by him was “The creation”. Michelangelo was known for making the humans in his painting look perfect and have what they called “ divine god-like beauty”.
    From 1490-1520
    Notes (artistic movements of the Renaissance )
  • 1490

    Renaissance Art or Artists

    Renaissance Art or Artists
    Leonardo was seen as the master of the “realistic painting”. Leonardo dissected human bodies to better his understanding of the human body and to understand how it functioned. He also as an artist advanced beyond simply realism and aimed to achieve an ideal form. People say that Leonardo set a new standard of beauty.
    From 1490-1520
    Notes (artistic movements of the Renaissance )
  • 1490

    Renaissance Art or Artist

    Renaissance Art or Artist
    Raphael was admired for his numerous madonnas. He was most well known for the depictions of the Virgin Mary. He was seen as someone that had an idea of beauty that no one else could depict.
    From 1490-1520
    Notes ( artistic movements of the Renaissance)
  • 1524


    The Pocket Watches were invented so that it would be smaller and more portable and easier to carry around. They were often shown to be egg shaped. The inventor was cited to be Peter Henlein, he was a german inventor. By 1524 he was making these watches regularly and this invention spread across Europe.
    Adam’s invention The Pocket Watch
  • 1542


    The Violin was one of the first string instruments made. Andrea Amati was seen as the first creator because they found two of his sketches of it in 1542-1546. A similar model is more modern it had 4 strings in 1555 and was given credit for both versions of violins.
    Emi’s invention Violin
  • 1546

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
    Martin Luther was born in Germany in 1483.After surviving a violent storm, he vowed to become a monk. He then lived in the city of Wittenberg. He died in 1546.
    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation notes
  • 1546

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
    Luther criticized the Churches practices because they were selling indulgences. But he also wanted to begin a discussion within the Church about the true path to salvation. Luther then nailed his Ninety- Five Theses, or arguments, to the door of Wittenberg cathedral for all to see. The wittenberg cathedral was basically another name for a fancy church.
    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
  • 1546

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
    Martin believes that the Bible is the only source of truth. People should be able to read and understand the Bible themselves. Also, salvation only comes through the faith in Christ. This means only your personal faith.

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
  • Scientific Discoveries

     Scientific Discoveries
    The Flush Toilet was very important because before this people would have to pee into a pan with some sort of opening at the bottom. The hole was sealed with a valve made of leather. A complicated system of pipes, levers, weights, and handles poured water in the pan and then opened the value at the bottom. This was invented by Sir John Harington.
    1596 A.D.
    Gracie’s invention flushing toilet
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    The adding machine is very useful. It is a mathematical tool that supported addition and multiplication. Blaise Pascal was the inventor for this machine. He designed this to help his father count taxes. The calculator is the new version of the adding machine.
    Keagan Stoelk invention adding machine