Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • 1095

    Pope Urban II Gives Out the First Indulgences

    Pope Urban II Gives Out the First Indulgences
    During the Crusades, Pope Urban II gave full indulgences to those who died in the fight or fought against the Muslims. These indulgences gave the Catholic Church a full army of men who wanted to go straight to heaven after death. These would eventually be one of the things that started the Protestant Reformation.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Marriage in the Renaissance

    Families were a big thing in the Renaissance and they provided security. Because of this, marriages were arranged to carefully tie yourself to another family in the community. Children were usually 2-3 years old when the parents started arranging marriages and dowry's were usually given to the husbands family from the wife family. Life During the Renaissance- Google Slides, Slide 5
  • 1320

    Alighieri's "The Divine Comedy" Is Finished

    Alighieri's "The Divine Comedy" Is Finished
    "The Divine Comedy" is a long poem by Dante Alighieri. It is considered one of the greatest works of Italian literature. The poem talks about afterlife views during the medieval era. It describes Dante's travels through hell, purgatory, and heaven.
  • 1400

    The Painting Technique Frescos (Masaccio) Was Made

    The Painting Technique Frescos (Masaccio) Was Made
    Frescos (Masaccio) are what we call the first masterpieces of the Early Renaissance. They are done usually on wet plaster with water-based paints. This led to a more three-dimensional style in paintings. One example of a Frescos painting is "Creation Of Adam" Artistic Movements of the Renaissance- Google Slides, Slide 15
  • 1440

    The Printing Press Is Invented

    The Printing Press Is Invented
    The printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg in Germany. The printing press made printing literature including books, poetry, and news was easier.
  • 1445

    Building For the Riccardi Medici Palace Starts

    Building For the Riccardi Medici Palace Starts
    A big patron of the arts was Cosimo Medici. He hired Michelozzo Michelozzi to create the Reccardi Medici Place, which holds many 15 century architecture and has many paintings of the Medici Family to this day.
  • 1469

    Lorenzo Medici Becomes a Patron For Sandro Botticelli

    Lorenzo Medici Becomes a Patron For Sandro Botticelli
    Lorenzo Medici became head of the house around the same time Botticelli opened his workshop. Lorenzo patronized Botticelli's visual art of mythology more than the rest. But all in all, even though Lorenzo was a patron to Botticelli, people believe Lorenzo actually preferred Antonio del Pollaiolo's art more than Botticelli's.
  • 1486

    Botticelli's "Birth Of Venus" Is Finished

    Botticelli's "Birth Of Venus" Is Finished
    This is considered Sandro Botticelli's most famous piece of work. This was done for the Medici family, not it is unknown who specifically. This painting shows Venus after birth, emerging from the sea fully grown-up.
  • 1490

    Painter And Architect Raphael Is Born

    Painter And Architect Raphael Is Born
    Raphael is mostly-known for his paintings of Madonna (Virgin Mary). He achieved an idea of beauty no one else could replicate. He did many Frescos of Madonna in the Pope's residence in Rome. Artistic Movements of the Renaissance-Google Slides, Slide 20
  • 1495

    Leonardo Da Vinci Started His Painting "Last Supper"

    Leonardo Da Vinci Started His Painting "Last Supper"
    "Last Supper" is one of Da Vinci's most famous paintings.This painting was started in 1495 and was finished in 1498. This painting shows Jesus and his disciples in the last supper, the disciples last night with Jesus. (
  • 1496

    Wallpaper Is Invented

    Wallpaper Is Invented
    The first paper mill was set up in England in 1496. Now that paper was available, wallpaper with patterns and designs could now be made. Wallpaper gave easy access to designing a room and making it look 'prettier.'
  • 1501

    Michelangelo Starts Working On "David" Statue

    Michelangelo Starts Working On "David" Statue
    This statue shows a naked, muscular guy prepared for a battle (a slingshot and stones in his hands). This statue was a challenge for Michelangelo because the marble block he used was originally used for a sculptor to carve a different statue. This marble was already worked with a little, so Michelangelo had the challenge of working with what he had.
  • Mar 19, 1513

    Leo X Becomes Coronated as the Pope

    Leo X Becomes Coronated as the Pope
    After the death of Julius II, Cardinals met on March 4th to pick a new Pope, and elected Leo on March 11th. He was ordained a priest on March 15th and was inducted the Bishop of Rome on the 17th. The papal coronation was held two days later. Leo X was the last pope before the Reformation really took off.
  • 1515

    Leo X Publishes a Bull Allowing the Sale and Letting Johannes Tetzel Preach About Indulgences

    Leo X Publishes a Bull Allowing the Sale and Letting Johannes Tetzel Preach About Indulgences
    Johannes Tetzel was a German preacher who would preach about indulgences. Leo X allowed the sale of indulgences to help pay for the rebuilding of St. Peter’s basilica in Rome. The Pope soon published a bull allowing the sale of indulgences and for Johannes Tetzel to preach about them, earning him money.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther Nails His Ninety-Five Theses

    Martin Luther Nails His Ninety-Five Theses
    At the time, Martin Luther criticized the Church for things like selling indulgences. He wanted to begin a discussion within the Church about true salvation. He wrote his Ninety-Five Theses and nailed then to the Wittenberg Church in 1517.
  • 1520

    Leo X Writes His Papal Bull Regarding Luther's Work

    Leo X Writes His Papal Bull Regarding Luther's Work
    After Luther's release of his 95 Theses, Leo X put out a papal bull saying that all of Luther's work is incorrect and no one should follow him or follow his work. If anyone is found following or supporting Luther and/or his work, they will be excommunicated from the Church. Reformation SOAPS Document
  • 1521

    The First Harpsichord Is Made

    The First Harpsichord Is Made
    In Renaissance culture, music and dance are very important. The Harpsichord is like a piano, but instead of hitting a key to make sound, a string is plucked. Nobles were excepted to known at least one instrument, including the Harpsichord. Life During the Renaissance- Google Slides, Slide 22
  • 1521

    Luther Is Excommunicated From the Church

    Luther Is Excommunicated From the Church
    After sending out his 95 Theses, Leo X ordered Luther to recant 41 of his theses. After Luther refused, he was excommunicated from the Church. Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation- Google Slides, Slide 14
  • 1532

    Niccolò Machiavelli Publishes His Book, "The Prince"

    Niccolò Machiavelli Publishes His Book, "The Prince"
    In 1532, 5 years after Niccolò Machiavelli's death, his book, "The Prince" was published. The book talks about a prince who gains political power by listening to his people. This book was very important and his thesis talked about how to gain and keep political power.
    Italian Reniassance Vocab-Google Doc
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus Publishes His Heliocentric System Model

    Nicolaus Copernicus Publishes His Heliocentric System Model
    Nicolaus Copernicus developed a system where instead of the earth being the center of the solar system, the sun is. He also proposed that all the planets spin on an axis and rotate around the sun. He named this system the Heliocentric Solar System. With his theory, he inspired many other scientists including Galileo.
  • The Dance "Pavane" Becomes Widely Popular

    The Dance "Pavane" Becomes Widely Popular
    During the Renaissance, new forms of dancing with a partner became popular and dancing became a form of entertainment. The Pavane is a slow walking dance that gives the dancers the opportunity to show off their clothes. It started becoming popular and common during the 16th century. Life During the Renaissance- Google Slides, Slide 24
  • Shakespeare's "Macbeth" Is First Performed

    Shakespeare's "Macbeth" Is First Performed
    "Macbeth" is a play written by William Shakespeare. The plot deals with political power and how it can get to your head. It also deals with seeking power only for yourself. This play reflects Shakespeare's relationship with James I
  • Galileo Starts Observing the Moon With His Telescope

    Galileo Starts Observing the Moon With His Telescope
    Galileo started observing and sketching the moon after building his own telescope. He discovered that the surface of the moon is rough and it has many craters on it. He would later go on to discover moons on Jupiter with the same telescope.
  • Francis Bacon Publishes Book One Of the Scientific Method

    Francis Bacon Publishes Book One Of the Scientific Method
    Francis Bacon from a young age had an idea to develop a new scientific method. Bacon tried to share his ideas to his uncle and Queen Elizabeth I but both of them thought this idea was dumb to say the least. In 1620, Bacon finally publishes his first book regarding the new scientific method he came up with.
  • The Submarine Is Actually Invented

    The Submarine Is Actually Invented
    Although Leonardo da Vinci is credited for sketches of submarines, Cornelius van Drebbel actually invented the first submarine. The first submarine was tested in a river and stayed underwater for 3 hours. Submarines are used for underwater discoveries and observing things underneath the water.