Jan 1, 1301
Papal Schism
The French clergy was being taxed by the King. They didn't like this and tried to excommunicate him. He was taken away but then was let go later.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15_GY0Vw7NlGbX_VXd8cei3gIRTN_a-Vs5MJDhdIedro/edit#slide=id.p25 -
Jul 6, 1308
The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy was written by Dante from Italy. It is a poem about your adventure to accomplishing salvation. He says that you go through Hell, Purgatory, and then Heaven.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yrPTgWDmpLmz88V0T1KJzeC_LcCAlmlE7zVUReKe1OI/edit#slide=id.p14 -
Period: Jan 1, 1330 to Jan 1, 1536
The Three Popes
The three popes names were John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, and Desiderius Erasmus. They each had problems with the church. John questioned the pope's real power, Jan didn't like how much money the church had, and Desiderius pointed out the dishonesty of the church.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15_GY0Vw7NlGbX_VXd8cei3gIRTN_a-Vs5MJDhdIedro/edit#slide=id.p30 -
Jan 18, 1345
The Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury Tales was written by Chaucer. It is a bunch of stories combined into one. It's about 29 pilgrims journey to the grave of St. Thomas Beckett.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yrPTgWDmpLmz88V0T1KJzeC_LcCAlmlE7zVUReKe1OI/edit#slide=id.p14 -
Oct 1, 1347
Black Plague
The Black Plague eradicated one-third of the peasant population. This impacted the Nobles very greatly because they would own the land and the peasants would work it. So, when this happened there was no one to work the land.
http://www.history.com/topics/black-death -
Oct 7, 1405
The Book of the City of Ladies
The Book of the City of Ladies was written by Christine de Pizan. This book was written about how women could be just as smart and successful as men if they were given the same chances as men.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yrPTgWDmpLmz88V0T1KJzeC_LcCAlmlE7zVUReKe1OI/edit#slide=id.p14 -
Jan 1, 1434
The Medici Family
The Medici family stayed in rule for a long period of time. The very first ruler was Cosimo de' Medici, during his reign he influenced supporting more art and humanities. They made four Popes named Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV and Leon XI.
http://www.history.com/topics/medici-family -
May 6, 1452
The Printing Press
In 1452, Johannes Gutenberg printed the bible using the printing press. The printing press was very effective on spreading religion because there were several copies of the bible. This allowed more people to have access to one.
http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/press.html -
Jun 10, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci was known as a Renaissance Man. He was a very popular artist, his most known are the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. Da Vinci was also known for his emotion that was put into his work.
http://www.history.com/topics/leonardo-da-vinci# -
Jan 2, 1453
The Spice Trade
The spice trade was the biggest manufacture of goods in factories. It connected Asia with the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa, and Europe. It was organized by camels and on land.
http://www.silkroadspices.ca/history-of-spice-trade -
Mar 6, 1475
Michelangelo was the most important artist known during the Italian Renaissance. Pope Julius II was the most important patron for Michelangelo. He asked him to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and that really influenced Michelangelo.
http://www.biography.com/people/michelangelo-9407628#the-pieta-and-the-david -
Jan 3, 1495
The Last Supper
The Last Supper was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. He created this because this is how he imagined the meeting being like. Leonardo painted the scene where Christ explained to them how to do certain things like eat.
http://www.leonardodavinci.net/the-last-supper.jsp -
Jan 2, 1501
Ottaviano Petrucci
Ottaviano Petrucci produced the first special gathering of polyphonic music, the Harmonice Musices Odhecaton. His fame cause the printing of music in France, Germany, England, and more.
http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/renm/hd_renm.htm -
Jan 1, 1503
Pope Julius II
Pope Julius II was a very powerful leader and not only did greatly for his ruling of time he was the most important patron for art. He supported Michelangelo, Bramante, and Raphael. His greatest move was allowing Michelangelo to paint his art in the Sistine Chapel.
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Julius-II -
Feb 3, 1503
The Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. The Mona Lisa is a painting of the top half of a woman, it had very good detail. The Mona Lisa was at the top of all paintings during its time and it set the bar for all artists.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mona-Lisa-painting -
Dec 25, 1504
Copernicus' famous idea was the heliocentric view. He discovered, without a telescope, that the sun was in the middle of all of the planets. He worked in his own building by himself.
http://www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 -
Jan 1, 1516
Indulgences was something that you would buy for yourself or someone that is dead to take away all of your bad sins. This allowed you to shorten your time spent in purgatory and be taken straight to Heaven.
https://carm.org/indulgences -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther and the 95 Theses
Martin Luther was angry about the indulgences being sold. He disagreed with them and hung up his 95 Theses on the chapel door. This explained his feelings towards all sorts of topics.
http://www.biography.com/people/martin-luther-9389283#excommunication -
Jun 15, 1520
Martin Luther's Announcement of Excommunication
On June 15, 1520, the Pope had told Martin that he was going to be excommunicated. Pope Leo X had told Martin that he needed to take back his writings and tell people that he didn't believe in them anymore. He refused and was then finally excommunicated in January 1520.
http://www.biography.com/people/martin-luther-9389283#excommunication -
May 8, 1521
Martin Luther Is Wanted
When Martin Luther refused to take back his writings, he was wanted by the Pope. His followers helped him hide from the people who wanted him. This lead to Martin rewriting the New Testament into German writing so that people could read it themselves.
http://www.biography.com/people/martin-luther-9389283#excommunication -
The Thermometer
The thermometer was invented by Galileo. He was not the first to work with the thermometer he just fixed it up.
http://galileo.rice.edu/sci/instruments/thermometer.html -
Kepler made the 3 Laws of Planetary Motion. The first one is the law of ellipses, that talks about how the planet's orbit is an ellipse. The second law is the law of equal ares, that talks about the equals of time and area from the sun. The third law is the law of harmonies, that talks about the squaring of the planet's orbit.
http://astro.unl.edu/naap/pos/pos_background1.html -
The Telescope
Galileo updated the telescope in 1609. This helped him with all of his discoveries. His first magnifyne glass was 8x and then he later bumped it up to 20x.
http://www.atnf.csiro.au/outreach/education/senior/astrophysics/galileo.html -
Galileo Galilei
Galileo was a very important guy for science. In 1610 he founded the four moons of Jupiter. This led to the discovery of all of the stars in the milky way.
http://www.history.com/topics/galileo-galilei -
The Girl with the Pearl Earring
The Girl with the Pearl Earring was created by Johannes Vermeer. It is a painting of a girl that is looking towards you with an earring dangling from her ear. Johannes Vermeer was known for painting the lighting very well in his projects.