Renaissance and Reformation

By Camk202
  • 1 CE

    All CItations

    It was just the main thing that popped up but no Wikipedia
  • Jun 11, 1290

    Invention of the eyeglasses

    Invention of the eyeglasses
    In the time of the creation of the eyeglasses they were originally called spectacles. They were made with rock crystals at the beginning because glass was illegal. Later on the printing press was made so all people could wear them not just the rich.
  • Jun 17, 1389

    Cosimo de Medici

    Cosimo de Medici
    Cosimo was a patron of the arts because he was a big help. Quit a few paintings would not have been able to be painted if he didn't help out a little. He helped with money basically paid for many paintings.
  • Mar 11, 1452

    Birth of Leonardo de Vinci

    Birth of Leonardo de Vinci
    Leonardo was a very interesting man. He was a very impressive artist. He had many paintings that are famous now. He painted paintings like the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.
  • Jul 6, 1475

    Birth of Michelangelo

    Birth of Michelangelo
    Michelangelo was another very impressive artist. He created many different types of things. He created the statue of David. He also created paintings. One of his painting is the Sistine Chapel. He created many different things aswell.
  • Apr 11, 1495

    The painting of the Last Supper

    The painting of the Last Supper
    The last supper is a depiction of Jesus's last supper with all his disciples. It has all the people in it except Mary Magdalene. It is said that the man who is spilling the salt to the left of Jesus is Judas which is the man that was working against Jesus.
  • May 11, 1503

    Painting of the Mona Lisa

    Painting of the Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa was painted in the year of 1503 by a famous man by the name of Leonardo de Vinci. The painting was very and still is probably one of the most recognized paintings in the world. The painting was so famous because the woman in the picture never smiled till Leonardo finally got her to smile. The painting took several years to finish.
  • Nov 11, 1513


    Relics were anything you want. They can be like a gold plated cup someone gave to you. The church created these to gain money. They gave a false hope of praying to god.
  • Jul 22, 1517

    95 thesis

    95 thesis
    The 95 thesis were a series of statements Martin Luther made toward the church. They included things that the church did wrong and what they should be dong like teaching the bible. It said things like indulgences are bad and that ll people should read the bible.
  • Nov 11, 1517


    The churches started making things up to make money. They would make people pay to pray for certain things. They started selling indulgences as a passage through purgatory.
  • Jul 11, 1520

    Birth of Raphael

    Birth of Raphael
    Raphael was another important artist in the renaissance. He was also an architect. He wasn't as famous as Leonardo or Michelangelo. He was best known for his Madonnas and his large composition.
  • Nov 28, 1522

    Writing of th bible in German

    Writing of th bible in German
    The bible had always been written but it wasn't German. So all the people who couldn't speak the language that it was in couldn't understand it so they couldn't judge it for themselves. He made it German so the Germans can read it.
  • Sep 22, 1526

    The English bible

    The English bible
    In this year a man by the name of William Tyndale wrote the Holy Bible in the English language. It had been in German and another language. But now Americans could learn the bible too.
  • Nov 18, 1528

    The writing of the book of courtier

    The writing of the book of courtier
    The book was written by Baldassare Castiglione. The book is like any other. It is mostly just about what the courtier has to do and what he does in the book. Just another everyday story.
  • Mar 22, 1543

    The theory of the Heliocentric Solar System

    The theory of the Heliocentric Solar System
    Nicolaus Copernicus was the man who came up with this idea Galileo was the first to see it in telescope . Before this idea everybody believed all the planets circled around the Earth, but Galileo said otherwise that everything really spins around the Sun. He was thrown in house arrest an this theory was not excepted for a long time.
  • Period: Apr 21, 1546 to


    This is a two step dance. You and a partner take two steps and then jump. You do that over and over for the whole dance.
  • Jan 1, 1550


    Everybody really didn't bath all but three times a year. They didn't have running water so no showers. They didn't really need to shower the way their lives were set up. Higher people might bath more in a year.
  • Feb 2, 1550

    Women Dying Hair

    Women Dying Hair
    In this time blonde haired women were looked at to be prettier. Many women would were wigs or bleach their hair. They would most of the time were their hair normal not all fancy like.
  • Feb 12, 1550

    Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects Writing of

    Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects Writing of
    This book was written by Giorgio Vasari. The book was about how the lives of all those types of people were. Such as the riches they got, the fame they created, or if they were even noticed for their work at all.
  • The writing of the Apology for Poetry

    The writing of the Apology for Poetry
    This book was written by Philip Sidney. All the book is about is really irrelevant. All it is it criticism of poetry from that time.
  • Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini

    Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini
    Giovanni was aatron becuase he helped finish things. Rafael did not finish one of his paintings when the pope died. So later on Giovanni decided to finsh the painting.
  • Pope Reading The Bible

    Pope Reading The Bible
    Before reformation nobody but the pope and maybe so higher up people read the bible. He was the one who distinguished what t meant. He was the one that basically ran the religion.
  • The Invention of the Firearm

    The Invention of the Firearm
    Firearms are guns. They were created buy a man by the name of Marin le Bourgeois. It was meant for hunting and war. Every country made their own guns.
  • Newton's Law of Motion

    Newton's Law of Motion
    Issac Newton created three different laws of motion. My favorite is the law that all thing in motion tend to stay in motion. That is like saying a ball going straight suddenly turns that ball has a force that wants to keep pushing it straight.
  • Newtons Law of Gravity

    Newtons Law of Gravity
    The law of gravity was crated by Issac Newton. It it the law the masses have their own attractions. It is what keeps us on earth.
  • Invention of the Parachute

    Invention of the Parachute
    The idea of the parachute was created around 4000 years ago but Leonardo de Vinci took on the idea and refined it. The early version was never test until recently. The shape of the old parachute design was it had a square base then it was built up as a pyramid and they used linen as the chute. Later in 1783 a man by the name of Louis-Sebastien Lenormand created the modern version of the parachute.