Feb 28, 1347
Black Death
The Bubonic plague surfaces killing one third of the western population -
Jan 1, 1350
The renaissance was brought to attention not too long after the disatrous Black Death, in order to " rebirth' of Italy -
Jan 1, 1394
Prince Henry
prince henry sent many soilders and others to sail unto portugal -
Jan 1, 1410
Help recreate an artist perpective by having a certain vanishing point -
Jan 1, 1440
Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg established himself as a goldsmith and craftsman in Strasbourg, Germany. In Strasbourg, Gutenberg first began experimenting with both xylography and the development of a more efficient method of printing. -
May 19, 1498
Reaching India
Yasco de Gama reach Cailcut and bypassed Muslim antions that were oversee of the spice trade -
Jan 1, 1500
Spanish Settlers
a wide range of spanish settlers along with conquisatdors waltz into their new empire claiming land -
Jan 1, 1509
School Hoise
a famous italian artisit paints the School of Athens with frescoes that also contains a vanishing point -
Oct 30, 1517
Martin Luther
Martin Luther craeayes 95 theses against the CATHOLIC and protestant community -
Jan 1, 1519
Martin luther
Martin Luther makes treaties with the German people influening the Protestant movement -
Jan 1, 1521
The newer and translated version of Martin Luthers 95 theses is released -
Oct 3, 1529
a meeting at marburg castle was called to reslove some tension between martin luther and ulrich zwingli -
Jan 1, 1533
Legislation granted henry the VIII head of the church of england -
Jan 1, 1544
council of trent
a council held in the most famous church in roman catjolic church's ecumenial council -
Siege of New Orleans
In late 1814, a large British convoy dropped anchor off the coast of Louisiana, anticipating a successful conquest of New Orleans. If the British captured New Orleans, they would control the Mississippi River and the western states.