• Period: Mar 30, 1350 to


  • Mar 28, 1409

    they only had bad ships that cant go far

    Early 1400's
  • Mar 28, 1409

    Venice was leader in trade

    Early 1400's
  • Mar 30, 1419

    Henry Navigator opened navigation school

  • Mar 30, 1450

    First movable type printing press was invented

  • Mar 30, 1451

    ships were better and able to travel further

  • Period: Mar 30, 1452 to Mar 30, 1519

    Leanardo Da Vincis life

  • Mar 30, 1453

    Ottaman turks capture constantinople

  • Mar 30, 1455

    1200 page bible was printed with movable type

  • Mar 30, 1460

    henry navigator dies

  • Mar 30, 1461

    Louis XI becomes the King of France

  • Mar 30, 1469

    Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand get married

  • Mar 30, 1483

    Louis XI dies

  • Mar 30, 1485

    Henry tudor becomes king of england and takes the name Henry VII

  • Mar 30, 1488

    Bartholomeu sailed to indian ocean

  • Mar 30, 1492

    Ferdinand and Isabella conquer all of spain

  • Aug 30, 1492

    Columbus left on a journy

  • Nov 29, 1492

    Clumbus landed

  • Dec 30, 1492

    Queen Isabella and Ferdinand unite spain

  • Mar 30, 1493

    Columbus returned

  • Period: Mar 30, 1497 to Mar 30, 1498

    Cabot sailed to find Asia

  • Mar 30, 1499

    Bartholomeu returned with money

  • Mar 30, 1500

    Nicolaus Copernicus came up with the theory that the sun was the center of the universe

    Mid 1500's
  • Mar 30, 1500

    Ottamans take over east trade route

  • Mar 30, 1501

    Amerigo vespucci explores brazil

  • Mar 30, 1509

    Henry VII died

  • Mar 30, 1513

    Member of Medici family becomes Pope Leo X

    Early 1400's
  • Mar 30, 1517

    Martin Luther posted 95 Theses

  • Mar 30, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth takesover

  • portugal has trading ports

    Late 1500's
  • Galileo proves Copernicus'es theory correct

  • Issac newton writes book on gravity