
  • May 1, 1265

    Dante Alighieri's birth

    Dante was a poet during the rennaissance period that wrote the poem Divine Comedy, a poem about a man named Dante who travels through the 9 layers of hell. Dante in real life was a religous man who was very political and a striaght from thr bible type of person. He died in the year of 1321 before the rennaissance but had Divine Comedy ,"Dante's Inferno" printed. It was the most famous poem in the rennaissance period.
  • Jan 1, 1313

    Giovanni Boccacio

    Boccacio was an Italian poet and humanist who is commonly known for his dialouge. He was was a friend and student of Petrach who was a renaissance humanist who was the author of the well known books Decameron and On Famous Women. When the Black Plauge hit Europe Boccaccio fled from all of it. Boccaccio also rewrote Decameron which is still around to the present day
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
    The Black Plague lasted in Europe between 1348 and 1350. However it did kill between 75 million to 200 million people. It is known as one of the worst death tolls in history throughout the world. The Plague was said to have started in China or Central Asia before it spread west, by then they said it was carried by Oriental rat fleas that lived on the black rats on merchant ships which traveled back and fourth. The Black Plague was so bad some early renaissance people wrote about it.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Rennaissance begins

    The rennaissance was a period between the 1300's and 1700's that began in Italy. It was a period in which art and culture grew larger in Europe. It was also the starting place af many great artist, architects and inventors made their products and spread them and their ideas across Europe. It is also the time period in which we get many of the ideas, culture, art and inventions we use today in our modern era.
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Johannes Gutenburg's Birth

    Johannes Gutenburg's Birth
    Johannes Gutenburg is known for inventing the movable type printing press. His press printed the bible that was sold to many of the people who could not afford bibles back during that period. The people who had the bibles were the wealthy people and that was it. Johannes Gutenburg took away power from the churches and gave many of the peasents who could not afford to go to church a bible in which they could study at their on pace and will for free.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci's Birth

    Leonardo Da Vinci is truly by term a renaissance man. He exeled in logic probably more than anyone in the renaissance era and he also had many different areas in which he exeled. He was a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. He is considered to be one of the most diverse people to ever live, and on of the best painters to ever live.
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Michalangelo Buonarroti's Birth

    Michalangelo was a very important sculptor in the rennaissance period who is known for his paintings on the roof of the Sistine Chapel, the statue of David(most known for because unlike others he captured the moment of thought before David fought Goliath and how detailed he made it) and his works on the Peita. Michalangelo was also by definition a Rennaissance man which is a person who exels in many different areas, such as sculpting, painting, architecture, poetry and engineering.
  • Apr 6, 1483

    Rapheal Urbino's Birth

    Rapheal was a architect and painter durning the renaissance. Much of Rapheal's work still exists today, and remains in the Vatican. His works are organized into three main phases, his early career, The florantine period and his late years when his best work was produced. Raphel grew up around a very artistic family. His father was a court painter. His Mom died when he was a 8 and his father died when he was 12, later he moved with his uncle who was a priest. His earliest was made at 15 or 16.
  • Oct 17, 1493

    Bartolommeo Bandinelli's Birth

    Bartolommeo was a sculptor and a painter during the renaissance era. As a child he was the apprentice of Giovanni Francesco Rustici, who was a sculptor friend of Leonardo Da Vinci. Bartolommeo was also said to have a strong bore and hate for Michelangelo and was acussed by a pupil in his shop of destroying one of Michelanglo's works out of jealousy. Bartolommeo was also said to have a lifelong obsesion of Michelangelo.
  • Renaissance spreads

    Renaissance spreads
    The Renaissance was said to spread to the rest of europe in the 1600's. It had a very important role in Europe establishing new inventions, culture, art, dance and logic. When the renaissance spread in Europe it lead new things discoveries and ways to do things. When the renaissance spread it was the leading of new discovery and modernization in certian regions.