Jun 16, 1313
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni was born on June 16, 1313 in Certaldo. he died on december 21, 1375 in the same place he was born. Giovanni was an author and poet. He was an important figure in the Renaissance. Some of his books were The Decameron, the corbaccio, and Famous women. He was a great author from Italy. -
Mar 12, 1348
The Black Plaque
A diesase broke out and spreaded to Western Europe. It strated to infect people and kill them. There were different theories on how it strated or spreaded. tThey were spread by fleas, rats, and people being unstantry. The balck plaque was named The Black Death. About 20 Million people were killed by the black death. slowly the plaque strted to decrease in the numbe of people infected. -
Apr 18, 1350
The start of the Renaissance
The Renaissance was known as the Rebirth of time. It meant that society was changing and it was rnewing it self. People in the time of Roman Empire were discovering and making so much things. During the Middle Ages society changed and people have liked forgot about everything. when the Renaissance started. People started to learn new things and start to do things better like the Romans. This was the start of the Renaissance -
Sep 14, 1386
Donatello was born in Florence in the year 1386. He was a sculptor and a painter. he sculped a firgure of Saint John the Evangelist. He created so many famous sculpters and wee all mmainly for religoius figures. Another Sculpter was the St. Mark that was for the church Orsanmichele. the scuplter was built from 411 to 1413. Donatello was a great Italin sculptor and Painter. -
Sep 27, 1389
cosimo de medici
Cosimo de Medici was born on September 27, 1389.He died on August 1, 1464. Cosimo was born in Florence. He was a wealthy man and really good in business who he had got from his father. He had a spouse namedContessina de'Bardi. He was the first of the Medici poltical Dynasty. He was one of the Rulers in Florence, Italy. -
Mar 7, 1398
Johann Gutenberg
Johann was born on 1398 of the year and in Mainz. H e died in Mainz on Feburary 3, 1468. He was German. He was a printer, German Blacksmith, and a publisher. He went to the University of Erfurt. He introduced printign to Europeans. -
Jun 12, 1450
The Northen Renaissance
The Northern Renaissance is when Northern Europe started to get into the Renaissance. Scholars were becoming big and art was sprading everywhere. There were lots of Painters, Historians,Huamist, sculptors and many more things. Soctiey was getting into art and and learnign new things. There were palys and books.literautre was atr the top of everything. Northern Europe was becimg a wonder. -
Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo De Vinci
Leonardo was born in Anchaino on April 15, 1452. He died in Clos Luce on May 2, 1519. He did a varity of things. He was a painter, Sculptor, Musican, scientist, inventor, and a geoloist. He was more known for his Painting skills. One of his famous Paintings was The Mona Lisa. He painted it in the year 1505. His other famous painting was The Last supper. He did this one in 1498. The art piece shows of Jesus and his descents having supper before Jesus's last day. Leonardo was an intresting person. -
May 3, 1469
Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence. He died on June 21, 1527. He was politician, Historian, writer, and humanist from Italy. He was married to Marietta Corsini. He had seven kids. He wrote many books like The Prince,The Mandrake, and Florentine Histories. -
May 21, 1471
Albrecht Durer
Albrecht Durer was born on May 21, 1471. He dieded on April 6,1528. He was a garman Painter. He was also a Printmaker and was good at math.He was known as the greatest German painter during the Renaissance. One of his paintings was called -
Feb 7, 1478
Sir Thomas More
Thomas was born in London on Feburary 7, 1478. He died on July 6, 1535 in London. Thomas went to the University of Oxford. he was a sain to Catholics. He was an Author, Humanist, and lawyer. He married Jane Colt. Thomas had four kids. One of his books was called Utopia. -
Dec 6, 1478
Baldassare Castiglione
Baldassare was born on December 6, 1478. He died on February 2, 1529. He was born in Mantua.He was an Italian courtier,diplomat, and a Author. One of his books was called The Book of the Courtier. -
Apr 6, 1483
Rapheal was born in Urbino on April 6 1483. He died in Rome on April 6, 1520. He was an Italian Painter and Architect. One of his paintings was The School of Athens. He created this image showing how athens was and its wonders. Rapheal was an amazing artist or painter. -
May 14, 1550
The End of The Renaissance
By the end of the Renaissance, people had change. More people were becoming scholers, and well educated. People started to see others by the money they had instead of what they were. Society had chnaged alot since the beinning of the Renaissance. The church in the west became weak and had less power Kings were starting to rise with power and land was getting organized. -
Apr 23, 1564
William ShakeSpeare
Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. He died on april 23, 1616 where he was born. He was a poet and a writer. He went to King EdwardVI school Stratford-upon-Avon. He is well known for his books. One of his greatest books was Romeo and Juilet. He was an odd man but was a great writer and Poet.