
  • Jul 9, 1441

    jan van eyck

    jan van eyck
    art work bugers and was a sanigfagant english men painter
  • Apr 15, 1465

    leonardo da vinci

    leonardo da vinci
    famose painter that made the mona lisa
  • Feb 3, 1468

    jhannes gutenberg

    jhannes gutenberg
    he introduced printing and he did screw presses
  • May 3, 1469

    niccolo machiavilli

    niccolo machiavilli
    he wrote the book the price
  • May 21, 1471

    albrecht durer

    albrecht durer
    his well-known work is knight and death
  • Mar 6, 1475

    michelangelo bunarroti

    michelangelo bunarroti
    did the sculpture of david
  • Feb 7, 1478

    sir thomas more

    sir thomas more
    first englishmen that they felt they knew
  • Dec 6, 1478

    baldassre castiglione

    baldassre castiglione
    he wrot the book countier
  • Apr 6, 1483


    he crated the neoplatonic
  • Apr 26, 1564

    willam shakespher

    willam shakespher
    a famouse playwriter