ren. ref. absmon. secrev.

By HC3163
  • Oct 3, 1300


    it was the rebirth of rennassqnce it refers to the revival of art and learning
  • Oct 3, 1450

    northern europe renaissance

    the population of northern europe, which had declinded due to bubonic plague, was beginning to grow again
  • Oct 3, 1455

    printed bible

    the gutenberg bible was the very first full sized printed book, in germany.
  • Oct 3, 1460

    art sculpture. rennaissance

    it was the first earopean sculpture of a large, free-standing nude since ancient times.
  • Oct 3, 1494

    german painter albrech durer renaissance

    he traveled to italy to study arts. after returning to germany, he produced woodcuts and engravings.
  • Oct 3, 1500

    english builds empire reformation

    enland begans to think about building a american empire as a new source of income. while other colonies stregthened england economically they didnt enrich the qyueen directly.
  • Oct 3, 1508

    painting school of Athens renaissance

    for the popes apartments in the catican shows that the scholars of ancient greece were highly honered under the center arch stand plato and under the front, phythagras draws a lessonn on slate and ptomemly holds a globe.
  • Oct 3, 1512

    published the coutier renaissance

    victoria colonna helpd castiglione publish "the coutier". mean while her husband was away at battle at revenna in 1512. she wrote him a letter.
  • Oct 3, 1512

    martin thuther reformation

    his parents wanted him to be a lawer, instead he became a monk and a teacher. untill he died he taught scripture at the universite of wittenburge in german, state of saxony. All he wanted was to be a christian, not a leader of the religious revolution.
  • Oct 3, 1513

    examines humans rennaissance

    nicole machiavelli also examines the imperfect conduct of human beings. it does so by taking the for of the political guidebook.
  • Oct 3, 1516

    thomas wrote utopia. renaissance

    thomas wrote the book utopia. in greek utpia mans no place and in english means the ideal place as depicted in more's book.
  • Oct 3, 1520

    the pope leo X reformation

    he issued a decree threatening luther with excommunication unless he took back his words he said. his students at wittenburg gathered at a bon fire and chanted as he threw the popes decree into the flames.
  • Oct 3, 1521

    ignatius turning point.

    ignatius major turning point was when he got injured in war, while his father's castle was in loyala, spain.
  • Oct 3, 1524

    german peasants reformation

    many people were excited by reformer' talk of christian freedom, demanded an end to selfdom. never got what he asked for after 100,000 people died for it.
  • Oct 3, 1531

    war between protestants/chatholics reformation.

    during the fight zwingli met his death, law student in france began to clarify his religous beliefs.
  • Oct 3, 1536

    calvin published book reformation

    published the book instilutes of the christian religion, this book expressed many ideas about god, salavtion,and human nature.
  • Oct 3, 1540

    pope's order reformation

    created religious order for his followers called socienty of jesus. member were called jesuits.
  • Oct 3, 1541

    calvins leader reformation

    geneva, switzerland, asked clavin to lead their city. geneva was a self governing city.
  • Oct 3, 1559

    elizabeth's wish reformation.

    the parliament fallowed elizabeth's wishes and set up the church of england, or other wise known as anglican church, with her as it's head leader.
  • shakespear. renaissance

    he was writting plays and poems at the age of 28. he preformed in the globe theater in england.
  • king james absolute monarch

    james stuart was currently the king of scotland, james the become king james I after being also the king of england at the same time.
  • telescope. scientific revolution

    Hans Lippershey invents the first refracting telescope.
  • submarine

    The earliest human-powered submarine invented by Cornelis Drebbel.
  • slide rule scientific resolution

    William Oughtred invents a slide rule.
  • james died ansolute monarch

    james dies and instantly charls I took the throne. charls was at war with both spain and france, thereof walways needing money.
  • blood trasnfusion scietific resolution

    Frenchmen, Jean-Baptiste Denys invents a method for blood transfusion.
  • dissolved parliament absolute moarch

    charls refues to call parliament back into session. to get money he impoesed alll kinds of fees and fines on the english pope.
  • steam boat scietdic resolution

    Giovanni Branca invents a steam turbine.
  • micrometer scietific reslotusion.

    W. Gascoigne invents the micrometer.
  • micrometer absolute monarch

    W. Gascoigne invents the micrometer.
  • adding machine absolute monarch

    Frenchmen, Blaise Pascal invents an adding machine.
  • narometer

    Evangelista Torricelli invents the barometer.
  • air pump scientific resolution

    Otto von Guericke invents a air pump.
  • sent members home absolute monarch

    cromwell sent home the remaining members of the parliaments, crownwell's associate john lambert drafter a constitution, the first written constitution of any modern european state.
  • olicer cromwell's death absolute monarch

    oliver cronwell ruled untill he died, shortly afterward, the governemt he had established collaped, and new parliament was selected.
  • new leader of england aboslute monarch

    charles II died and james I son took over, making him james II the leader of england. soo offened his subject by displaying his catholicism.
  • elected new leader of england absolute monarch

    pariament coted to ask charles I son to be leader of england therefor becoming charles II
  • mricoscoped bactria scienfic resolution

    •Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was the first to see and describe bacteria with a microscope.
  • poke watch scietific resollution

    Christian Huygens patents the pocket watch
  • james fled to france. absolute monarch

    coilliam led his army to london and james fled to france, therefor overthroughing king james II is the the glorious revolution.
  • bill of rights absolute monarch

    to make clear the limits of royal power, parliament drafted the bill of rights. this document listed many things that a ruler could not do.
    1. no suspending parliament's laws
    2. no levying of taxed without a specific grant from parliament.
    3. no interfering with freedom of speech in parliament
    4. no peralty for a citizen who petetions the king about grievances
  • egland and scotland united absolute monarch

    england and sscotland where finally untieter after 104 years od sharing leaders.