May 10, 1346
The Black Death
The Black Death was a time where people believed that God was enraged with the world and that he created a disease. People went to the church and asked the church to ask God for forgiveness however the church had no idea what to do. Some Priest helped people who have been affected with the disease however it came at a cost, therefore on the wealthy could afford this and everyone else was suffering. Since there wasn't any help or explanation coming from the church people rebelled. (1346 - 53 AD) -
Jan 1, 1517
The Reformation
The Reformation was started as Reforming the Catholic Church and Developing the Protestant Churches in Western Europe. The Reformation began in 1517 because of a German monk named Martin Luther. Martin Luther led the Protestant church which had many people adopted into it however some stayed faithful to the catholic church. Martin Luther thought that the Catholic church had to much power and was turning corrupt (sometime in 1517) -
Oct 31, 1517
The Ninety-Five Theses (Martin Luther)
The Nine-Five Theses were statements were teachings that Martin Luther believed that the church should follow. He nailed the Ninety-Five Theses onto church doors so that people can see. The Nine-Theses explained his belief about the sale of indulgences that the church was putting out. Martin Luther believed that the church was becoming corrupt because of the indulgences (sometime in 1517) -
Dec 24, 1545
The Council Of trent
The Council Of Trent was a remarkable event in the church history as it rid of the selling of the indulgences which stopped the church and it's priest, bishops and cardinals being corrupt. The receiving of money was then banned from visiting churches and parishes. The Council Of Trent was influenced by Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses (sometime in 1545) -
Dec 24, 1555
Peace Of Augsburg
The Roman Catholic Church was ruling over everyone and Martin Luther didn't find this fair. He created the Ninety-Five Theses which called for church reform. This caused the reformation. Lower classes of Germany were inspired by the Reformation and they took action against the wealthy rulers. The Lower classes won and Therefore Charles V signed the Peace Of Augsburg which allowed the princes of each territory to decide whether Catholicism or Lutheranism would rule their land (sometime in 1555) -
The First Vatican Council
The First Vatican Council was attended by Pope Pius IX and 744 bishops. The reason the event was created was to recap over the catholic faith and the pope. The council believed that the pope's statements were to be followed. Rationalism was also agreed that it was the lost of faith. The whole event of the First Vatican council was to just remind people about preaching of god. -
The Second Vatican Council
The Second Vatican Council was called by Pope John XXIII shortly after he was elected pope. Pope John XXIII called this because he saw that the people in the 20th century needed to know more about the meaning of faith more relevant. They discussed ways to present the Catholic faith to people especially non-catholics. The mission of the Council was to carry out the Vatican 1 purpose